After a couple seconds devyn comes brusting through the door and runs towards me. He engulfs me into a hug.

"I'm sorry." He says into my shoulder

"Why are you apologizing?" I laugh, "you didnt do anything."

"Because i wasnt being the boyfriend who I should be and sticking up for his girl." He says and kisses my forehead, "and im sorry i failed at that."

"You didnt fail as a boyfriend. I ran outta there before anyone could even say anything." I chuckle, "you are the most perfect boyfriend that anyone could ever have. And everyday i cant believe that you are mine. I dont deserve you. But you mean so much to me its crazy. I love you so much it is impossible to love someone more. I do not know how i got so lucky. Now dont get down on yourself. You did nothing wrong."

"You always know what to say." He chuckles and hugs me tighter

"And thats just one of the many things i love about you." He says and kisses my forehead

"I love you." I say and rest my head on his chest. "i love you." he says

"Are you gonna go back out there?" I ask

"Can we just stay like this forever." He says and laces our fingers together.

"C'mon, goof." I laugh and pull him to the stage door

"You sure?" He asks stopping me before opening the door and looking into my eyes

"C'mon." I chuckle and open the door pulling him through.

We walk out on stage hand in hand and the crowd screams. I smile to myself as we go to the group of guys.

"Aram. Can i see your phone?" Cody asks

Aram gives him his phone with a smile on his face.

"We need everyone to be quiet and look up at the screen." Colby says and points to the screen as everyone gets really quiet.

The guys start a video it looks like or something.

This is what love is...

First impression:

(Screenshots from comments on first broadcast)

Devyn_Bess: damn
Amiahlie: we told devyn to come watch u
Destiny.L: devyn is a popular younower
Devyn_Bess: hey. Im devyn


"He's cute!" Morgan says i cover my face with my hands knowing whats next

"I know!" I say i blush and everyone laughs.  Devyn pulls me into a side hug and he wraps his arm around my waist.

Injury -Sorry Cass. I had to-

"What the hell was that?!" Mom yells and the camera man that you can tell was garrett because of his room walks out of his room and down the hallway.

I am laying at the bottom on the stairs laughing my ass of and Morgan is sitting in the middle doing the same. checks out my ankle. "You broke it." She says

"No shit." I say and she glares at me

They pause the video.

"The look she gave Cass is priceless. Its the kind of look Aram gets from his mom. You can just feel the love." Cody says as you see a zoomed in shot of the glaring look she was giving me. Everyone laughs and they continue the video.

Forever (a Devyn Bess fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now