Adam looked in Christina’s eyes that were full of tears. She looked back in his and she could witness tears rolling down his face.

“That was amazing song” Adam whispered getting up to Christina and taking her in a light hug. “Exactly what I was missing from you”


“Perfect” he smiled. Adam made a deep sigh before taking the conversation seriously. “Yesterday when I came to your house I didn’t realize it… I used to spend time with you. You only. I rarely saw him. But now. With your song… I realize it… I’m so sorry Christina” The stood quietly for some time before Adam asked “Are you hungry?”

“Yeah. I didn’t get to have a breakfast” Christina smiled, tears still sparking on her eyes. This song brought up all the heart aching feelings but at the same time it let out all those hurting emotions making her feel better.

They went to the kitchen where Adam made toasts for her. Christina wasn’t much talkative as she was still feeling moody because of the song.

“You feel better?” Adam asked in a while.

“Kind of” Christina said thoughtfully. “I feel better on inside. It feels good to let it out. But it was too much pain to sing”

Adam nodded slightly understandingly. “So are you planning on making the album?” he continued after a minute trying to improve Christina’s mood.

“If I write an album it will be the saddest album ever” Christina smiled.

“So what?”

Christina gave a little chuckle. “I think I leave these songs for myself. They are too personal”

“I do remember personal songs in your albums”

“It was easier” Christina sighed.

“No it wasn’t”

Christina knew it was the truth. “I’m not… I’m not ready to record it. Anything yet”

“I’m not saying you have to do it now” Adam whispered. He looked at Christina once more before he stood up from his place and wrapped her in his arms. He just couldn’t watch her like that. She was broken. Again. He made her. But he knew it was for the best. Maybe she was sad right now but in overall she felt much better. “Ok now we better vanish this sad face “Adam smiled letting her go.

“Ready to listen how” Christina smiled interested in what was on Adam’s mind. She wanted to smile and laugh with him more than anything. She was tired of this depressing mood. She needed to feel happy. She was far from it. Very far. But at least she was on its way. With his help.

“Don’t know yet” Adam smiled. “But I’ll find out something. Finish your toast first”

“Ice rink?” Christina asked as they came onto the rink.

“Not working ice rink” Adam noticed. It was empty. It was just two of them here. “It is closed for a week. But I got to make them let us in”

“Why I don’t find it as a great idea?” Christina said hesitatingly.

“Because you’re still in your shoes.”

“You think when I put skates on would be better?”

“Would be so much funnier” Adam grinned.

“So awkward” she fixed but couldn’t help but smile too. “Hope you know how to do it because you would need to hold me”

“Don’t worry. I’ll be with you” Adam smiled as he led Christina to take on the skates. He gently put ones on her and then on himself. Then he stood up helping Christina that was barely keeping her balance. He put his arm around her helping to come to skate rink. But there her balance just got worse. She started to fall as Adam caught her in his arms holding her tight. “Yeah, that’s hilarious” he giggled watching Christina. She punched him lightly but then got back to him grabbing his waist. Without Adam she was barely standing. “Ok, let me learn you” Adam smiled as he gently pulled Christina sliding on him. In some time she finally learned how to stand and slide.

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