Love x

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"Our love story may be tragic, but I know one thing that our love was real. So real" He said while wiping his tears away.

"I love you so much; can you just at least stay? I can't... Imagine myself living without you." He continued.

"I'm sorry my love... I wanted to stay but I can't though. I know it's hard but we need to be apart. I can't be with you anymore. Yes, I love you too. But the timing isn't right." A tear fell from her eyes.

"Can you just at least hug me right now? I really..."

He didn't let her finished her words, he suddenly hug her... so tight that she can't get away.

"We can runaway... Let's leave everything behind. I only need you, you only need me, and our relationship needs us." He said to her.

"I'm sick... I really am. I only have few months left. Yes we can runaway, but we can't be together as what you expected. My decision is now fixed. I'm sorry but this is for us. For you." She turned her head to meet his eyes and then she faked a smile.

"You deserve someone better, someone who has a healthy body, who can give you a lot of babies! C'mon cheer up... It's not like I'm the only girl here in the world, we're plenty!"

But the truth is she's jealous because she doesn't have a healthy body, she's really weak though. She really wants to marry him but how can she? She can't even stand nor walk... what's more when she decide to marry him, how can she walk in the aisle?

"Yeah your all plenty, but in a different way. And you're different, you're unique... and yeah you're weird and that's what makes you special. You're all I need. You're enough for me. I don't need anything else. Just you... and your love is enough for me."

She's speechless about what he said. He was really eager to be with her. He loves her more than anything in this world. He couldn't wish for more, he's blessed enough to have her in his life.

"I choose to be with you even if you'll die anytime... this is my choice. If I suffer then so be it. I choose this because I'm happy, when your time comes I'll be sad, down, and depress... But I'll never regret spending my time with you. Because spending your time with someone you love is the most precious gift given to us. I'm sorry... I'm not good at expressing my feelings through words but always remember this... I love you today, tomorrow and forever." 

 He kissed her on the cheeks as she said her words.

 "Gahd.. I love you so much."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2015 ⏰

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