May 23rd

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Hey y'all here's the first official chapter.


Honestly it hurts to do everything right now, even to breathe. I cherish every single uneven, strained, breath. When the door handle turns I clutch my chest, it always hurts when there's a change in the air. Damn.

"Can I get more pain killers?" I ask. A raspy, weak voice replaces my usual full, regular voice.

"Uh, I can call" I smile, even though it hurts it's totally worth seeing the look on my visitors face. The black hair with the electric blue streaks and piercing blue eyes can only belong to one boy. My boy.

"Josh!" I say excitedly.

 My boy? What does that mean? Do I love him? I don't know...

"Cassie!" He grins, he slowly walks toward me his eyes don't leave mine.

"How are you feeling?" I ask, burying my nails into the palms of my hands why would I ask that? I just got out of surgery.

"Uh, fine. You?" He asks warily

"Yeah, fine" There's that raspy voice again. "What's the date?" I ask like a little kid.

"May 23rd" He replies softly "Why?"

"Today is a remarkable day. I survived surgery, and..."



"Today is the day I tell you I love you Josh Ramsay I love you so much" she says. In her raspy voice, even though she doesn't sound like herself she is Cassidy.  She is the girl I fell in love with.

I stand up "Shoot I totally forgot, I'll be back"

I run out the door. I turn the corner and slump into a ratty old chair in the waiting room. I cup my face in my hands.

May 23rd


"Daddy! When are we going to get there? I'm hungryyy" My five year old self complains to a flustered father who has answered this question too many times before.

"Josh, we'll be there soon bud" He says after sighing. again.

"My feet hurt" I complain "And I'm thirsty!"

My dad sighs, he turns around just for a second. "JOSH I TOLD YOU WE'D BE THERE SOON SO CAN YOU SHUT UP SO I CAN WATCH THE FU..."

Too late, our red station wagon is rear ended by a transport truck. The station wagon always looked big to my 5 year old rail thin body. My brown shaggy hair always reflected off the tinted windows. But now it's sailing through the air like a plastic bag in the wind. The impact hit me full force when we skidded in a ditch. My eyes shut tight I clamp onto my seat with my frail fingers. My neck snapped back and I let out a blood curdling scream. Shards of glass and plastic rain down on me, my fingers curl around my head in attempt to protect myself. Blood and tears cover my face along with dirt. Light flickers in the car windows. Confused I look around. Fire. Flames licking the car. Making it extremely hot.

I unbuckle and slowly shift myself toward my father, his legs are out the window and his hands are balled up into fists his head dangles infront of his body, his chin rubbing against his chest, His white button up shirt is stained with red. His eyes wild. Glass shards penetrate his skin in all angles. The air bag which is now just a white sack of material that sits on his lap. His brown hair is matted, wild and covered in blood and dirt. The door is stuck, I bang my fists against what is left of the window and scream for help. The cuts on my body bleed, my hands smear the door and the glass but I don't care. A tall woman with brown hair which is tied in a tight bun and a deep mauve pencil skirt and matching blazer comes to the door.

"Hold on little boy" She calls as she forces the door open.

"Okay, I'm scared" I said, voice trembling. Tears form at the brim of my eyes. I remember a little girl her hair running free... Her blue eyes stared at me.

Cassidy Thomas, the girl I love.

May 23rd the day I watched my father die.


Hope you guys liked it :)

Hannah & Emma? Don't kill me.

I love you all



Ps. Sorry for the "update" on this chapter I had to fix the date :/

-Kaitlyn xo

Decided To Break It (A Sequel to All To Myself: A Marianas Trench Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now