chapter two

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c h a p t e r t w o

L Y R I C ' S P O V

I toss and turn as he thought of my father being famous runs through my head over and over again.

My uncle didn't tell me what he was famous for or if he still is famous. He refused to tell me anymore after he accidentally said that. I feel like now I'm one step closer to figuring out who my father is. He's Canadian and famous. Hmmmm. Maybe I should google 'famous Canadians.'

I throw my blankets off of me and quietly go downstairs to grab my laptop. I get downstairs and see my uncle passed out on the couch with the tv still blaring.

I shake my head and quietly walk over to kitchen. In the process of walking to the kitchen trip over my book bag. I make a loud thump when I hit the floor.



I lift my head slowly and look over my shoulder. My uncle is standing right behind me with a pissed off look on his face. He hates when he is woken up because once he's up, he's up.

"Yes, uncle Mikey?"

"Get up."

I quickly stand up and look at my uncle. The look on his still a pissed off look. "I didn't mean to wake you, I kinda tripped over my bag." I say kicking my bag out of the way. He looks at me with now, the most annoyed look I've ever seen on him.

"It's 2 in the morning, why are you even down here?"

"I wanted to get my laptop."  I bite my lip really hard, so hard I can taste blood in my mouth. I'm a horrible liar, I'm praying he doesn't ask me why I need my laptop this late.

"You have a phone, why in the world must you need your laptop at 2 in the morning?"

Awh, f.uck.

"I can't use my phone, I remembered I had a paper I need to type for school." I lie, hoping he can't see right through me. Normally when I lie, my face turns this bright red color and sometimes I'll start to laugh

"Lyric, I know when you're lying."


"I'm not lying."

"Your face is redder than a tomato." He says crossing his arms. He looks at me with the 'tell me the truth now' look. I sigh and look at him in the eyes.

"I need to google something."

"Let me guess, you want to see if you can find your father."

I look down at my feet, and I start to sweat. Why am I sweating? I'm not nervous, I'm just mad he won't tell me who the hell my father is. "Yes," I say quietly as I slowly look up from my feet.


"Please uncle Mikey, I just wanna know."

He runs his hands through his hair and bites his lip. He stares at me in the eyes and then sighs.

"Shawn Mendes."


"Shawn Mendes is your father."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2015 ⏰

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