"That sounds perfect. Kageyama-chan, we are really honored to have such a kind young lady in our school. I know that you an honor student, so, if you need it, you can take the rest of the day off to organize your plans. I am leaving everything from here on to you." He said proud as we shook hands.

I went to the teachers' room and asked for Takeda sensei. I went up to his desk as he ate a sandwich.

"Oh, hello Mae-chan. I am really sorry about the gym...so what brought you here?" He asked.

"Well, Sensei, I came here to talk abou the gym..." and then I explained everything to him and his face began to lit up again.

"That is gread Mae-chan!"

"Arigato." I then cleared my throat and spoke,"S-Sensei, could you tell the boys too? Because the principal gave permition to go home to start everything."

"Sure and good luck. We are counting on you."

"Hai! Bye Sensei!" I said as I walked to my class.

I got my stuff and headed home.
When I got there, I directly went into my room and got out the designs which I had already started. I began to color them, because they were still colorless. I took photos of them and sent it to the C&C's manager. I then called him and waited for him to pick up.


"Hello Mr.(Random name)? Yes. Yes, this is Mae Kageyama...."

We then talked about everything and I asked him to sponsor it and he gladly did, because he saw the designs I sent him.

My face lit up and I hung up.

"Yes!" I cheered.

I had:

Found a sponsor who will be paying for the clothes in exchange their company sign(like the check for nike) is on the products

A company who will build the stage

Another company who will make the clothes.

And a woman who will help me with messurments

She will come over to our house in three hours.

I took the time and called the boys. I was about to call the first one when my door bursted open.


"MAE ARE YOU REALLY DOING THIS?!?" Tobio asked phanting in his school uniform. School must be over.

Was he....running?

"Yes." He then went over to hug me in a rather awkward way.


"Ie. That's no problem at all. But there is still one thing I need."

"What is it I will help you to 100%" he said fired up.

"I need models."

Then his face fell and he regretted what he just said.

"Y-you m-mean.."

"Please!" I pleaded and he sighed.

"Yay! Thanks, Onii-san! Let me just call a couple more guys and then I will be taking your mesurements."

He nodded and exited my room.


"Konnichiwa Sugawara-senpai..."


"Hey Shouyou!..."




"Hello, Noya-senpai..."


"Yes, hello. Kuroo-san? This is Kageyama Mae, Karasuno's manager. Do you still remember me? Yeah you do? Great..."


"H-hello? O-Oikawa-san, this is Kageyama Mae. Tobio Kageyama's sister..."


I called those guys and they all accepted. Don't ask how I convinced Tsukki...(imagine of something Tsukki would do, cuz I have no idea at the moment)

I asked them to come to my house in an hour or so. But for Kuroo,Kenma and Oikawa, I told them to let someone else take their mesurements and send them to me.


After half an hour later the doorbell rung and I went over to open it. It were the boys. They all had smiles on their faces except Tsukishima.

"Come in." I said as I stepped aside.

Tobio led them to my room as I got some snacks and water in the kitchen.

In my room I saw them sitting on some chairs on the floor or on my bed(Hinata made himself comfortable...-_-').

"Thanks everybody for comming again."

"No problem Mae-chan." Hinata said smiling next to Noya and Tanaka.

"If you don't mind we still need to wait for-"

*ding dong*

"Excuse me." I said running to the front door.


"Mina-san, this is Tachibana-san. She will be helping me to take your mesurments."

They greeted her and we began. She told me to just mesure the arms, legs,head, waist, hips, chest and shoulders.

She began messuring and I started too.

She had: My brother, Sugawara and Tanaka

I had: Hinata, Tsukishima and Nishinoya.

Everything was fine and easy for me 'til it was Nishinoya's turn. After taking each messurment they were free to go home and so they did. The only ones left were Nishinoya and Tanaka. I tried to hide my blush as I began to wrap the messure tape around his head.

I didn't move my face at all when I did that but he tried to relax me a bit and smiled his adorable smiled at me which made me blush more.

By the time I finished Noya also had a blush on his face too.

So. Much. Physical. Contact! He thought which made him a bit nervous.

"So, all done. Thanks again Noya-senpai!~" I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"No problem Mae-chan! It is really nice of you to do this for us and the other sports clubs."

"Ie, don't worry about that. And Noya-senpai."


"Y-you know..Mae, is just fine."

He flinched a bit and blushed again.

"O-okay. You know, if you want, Yuu is also fine..." Both us had a blush contest, because we were bothreally red.

"All right. See you tomorrow then."

"Yeah, bye." He said as he went home.

Ugh! That was embarassing.


"Arigato, Tachibana-san." I bowed and she shook her head.

"No problem. It's my job. And I guess Mr.(Random name) already told you that I'm only helping you today, right?"

"Yes, I am aware of that. Thanks again." I bowed again. We said our farewells and I went into my room again were I fell asleep imitadely.

Mae Kageyama! Tobio's sister?!(Haikyuu fan-fic) (HaikyuuxOC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें