Chapter 1

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As the clouds started to roll in, rain began to lightly fall upon Mr. Stark's Malibu Mansion. Tony had just been taking a shower, he put his clothes on and as he walked into the very large living room everything seemed lonely. Pepper was at a meeting, and everyone was gone. He laid down in his bed, he just watched the rain lightly fall. Then Jarvis said "Sir, it appears someone is at the door" Tony groaned not wanting to get up. "Jarvis, open the door. Wait. First see who it is" he said.

Then after a minute or two Jarvis replied "it seemed to be Thor"

Tony sat for a second and thought to himself 'why is Thor here?' So the Man decided to get up and go open the door.

"Hello Man Of Iron!" The god said loudly. Tony stepped back and said "hello Point Break" Thor bursted into Tony's mansion, the god seemed to be nervous.

"You alright there Point Break?" Tony asked, The god shook his head and paced back and forth in the large living room. Tony kept thinking why is he here he should be back on Asgard with Loki. As the genius walked over to the god he placed his hand on the gods shoulder, "hey hey calm down. What's wrong?" He asked. The god looked at the geniuses hand, "do not set your hand on me Man of Iron!" The god roared. Tony jumped back and yanked his hand away, "fine! Okay tell me what's wrong or get out of my mansion" he said.

The god took a deep breath and then told the genius what was wrong, "it seems my brother needs some assistance. He seems to be acting strange. He keeps calling your name. Strangely I don't know why, you Midgard people are never a priority to us."

Tony, in shock didn't respond, the god, needing help with his brother was about to leave until Tony blurted out, "Wait! Where is he?!" The god turned as he stood by the door, "Asgard." The god said. Tony held up his hand and said "just wait there for a second" as he ran down the concrete steps into his workshop he has Jarvis open the hidden door to a suit. He had been working on just one suit, this suit though was different. It was a forest green color, with gold. It resembled much of Loki's outfit.

The genius quickly put on the suit and ran back upstairs to the waiting god. "Okay, let's go" the genius said. The men went out and Thor stopped the man of iron. "Wait, how will you get on Asgard?" The god asked, Tony then flew in the air, I guess the god forgot that he could fly. "Let's go!" Tony demanded, they flew to Asgard, tracking through space the god always looked back at the man of iron just to be sure. Then they got to Asgard. The genius looked around in amaze. "My god, this place is amazing!" The genius said. The god directed Tony to where Loki was being held, it seemed to be an Asgard jail, but this was different it was high security torture place. The genius, having feelings for the troubled god rushed to find him, he heard a faint sound, his name then a scream.

Tony ran over to the sound and saw Loki, he looked as if he was being tortured ever since New York, his arms all cut up and his face covered in blood. "Hey! Loki look at me" the genius said as his face mask swung open, the god weakly looked over to the genius. "S-Stark?" The god faintly said. Then here came Point Break rushing down the long hallway, "BROTHER!!!" The god yelled, Loki flinched and his eyes widened as if scared of his own "brother". "Hey god of loudness! Open the door!" The genius said, sadly the god couldn't open the door so Stark had to go to Plan B. He stepped back and blasted the door open, the man rushed in and kneeled down next to the weak god, "hey, look at me" he said. The god, closed his eyes in pain and soon blacked out.

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