“Not until I get that muffin”

“Oh you want the muffin huh?” I picked it up with my hand and shove half of it in my mouth. “Here it’s all yours” I said handing it to her. She muttered something about lousy service, before paying for her coffee, and storming out of the store. “Thank you and please come again” I smiled sweetly even though she can’t see me. And that my friend was the most action I had all morning. Next time I think I’ll work at a bar. There might be a fight every day.

“That coming out of your paycheck” Ben exclaimed from behind me, I spin around

“What paycheck Ben? That measly amount you call a salary?”

“Watch your mouth before I fire you”

“I dare you Ben” I said, raising my eyebrows. He just walked away, ignoring my statement. Stupid manager!

“Excuse me, can I have a banana smoothie and a blueberry muffin?” asked the most appealing voice I’ve ever heard. I spun immediately coming face to face with the most gorgeous face, I’ve ever meet.

“Holy hell” I muttered under my breath. This was one day I regret eating that blueberry muffin. I straightened my back, smiling sweetly at him, but he wasn’t looking “Sorry sir, we’re out of blueberry muffins”

He finally looked up to me, and I heard his sharp intake of air. “Fuck!” whispered, only for him to hear, but I heard anyway. Thanks to my extra sensitive hearing. I examined him closely; he had bright, chocolate brown eyes, beep brown hair. His skin was glowing, with a natural tan, his arms were muscular, and I noticed his hands were clenched into fist, making the veins on his arm pop out. He wore a black shirt that fitted him perfectly accentuating the six or eight pack below. Gosh I wanna see it. “Never mind then” he said in a tight voice before storming out of the store. Okay then!

“Ben I’m taking a break” I stated, throwing off my apron and running out the store. I jumped on my bike, taking off.

I stopped at the park, leaving my bike parked in the parking lot. I aimlessly stroll through the park, looking at couples holding hands, kids playing in the playground, dogs running around, wishing my life could be normal, and I wasn’t a lone wolf in human territory. I miss my family and my pack. I miss my wolf! I’ve shoved her in the back of my mind for the past year; I miss the exhilarating feeling of transforming into my magnificent grey wolf. Yup I had daddy’s eyes, but a wolf like my mom and I hate being reminded about them that’s why I refuse to shift. I’ll be eighteen tomorrow and I can’t celebrate my birthday with my friends, and the rest of my pack.

I sat on one of the benches, staring up at the sky, watching the shapes they made.

“Well hello Ms. Adelina Rae” a deep, bone chilling voice spoke. I spun around to come face to face with a man I’ve never seen before. He had black, soulless eyes that looked dangerously scary. His complexion a beautiful brown, his face reminded me of someone I’ve seen before but I couldn’t quite put a name to it. He had a pink scar running over his right eye and over his nose bridge. It made him bloodcurdling. Where have I seen that scar before? “It’s nice to see you again”

“Do I know you?” I asked, trying to rack my brain for information. This man screams dangerous. Right now my wolf is telling me to run far away from this man. This is strange because my wolf never speaks to me.

Get your ass out of there

The man laughs darkly “I’m a little hurt that you don’t remember me.”

That’s it I’m out “Well it was nice meeting you sir, but I have to get back to work” I got off the bench but he grabbed my wrist pulling me back

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