Chapter 2

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Lillys P.O.V

Harry began screaming in the middle of the night, I got out of bed, and hurried over to him. He was tossing around, and the sheets was one big mess. I took his hand, "sshhh Harry. It's just a dream, wake up honey" I said. I kissed his forehead, which was sweaty, but I didn't care. He gasped, and shut his eyes open. I pulled him in for a hug, and began stroking his back. "Ssssh, it was just a dream. I'm here now, you're safe" I said. He just kept crying. James came over to us, "what's wrong?" He asked worried. "He had a nightmare..." I said quietly. James hugged him too, "what was the dream about?" James asked. "Ve-Vernon..." Harry stuttered, trying to catch his breath. "You are never going back there, I promise Harry" I said. "I-I can't do this anyore..." he cried. "What are you talking about?" I asked worried. He got out of bed, and ran off. "We have to find him!" I said.

Draco's P.O.V

I was sleeping when there was someone knocking on the door. The person sounded desperate, I got out of bed, I realized I only had my boxers on. So I wrapped my green blanket around my body, and opened the door. It was my godfather, and potion teacher. "What could possibly be so important, that you had to wake me, in the middle of the night?" I asked annoyed. He rolled his eyes, "Mr. Potter's in the hospital wing. I just thought you would like to know..." he said. "What has happened to him?" I asked worried. "He jumped out of the, astronomy tower about two hours ago... He's in a coma, if he's not awake by the end of the week. They're moving him to St. Mungos..." he said. "Wh-what?" I asked shocked. "Can I see him?" I asked. "His parents are with him now, but I'm sure they would let you see him. Just get some clothes on first..." he said.

Lilly's P.O.V

I was stroking Harry's hair, he had scars on his face, from the fall...  "We had just gotten back to a family again, and then this happens!" James said, he had tears in his eyes, which I don't have seen that often before. "We can't be mad at him... He has had a bad childhood. He probably hears voices in his head, that told him bad things... Like he wasn't good enough, and that he was worthless..." I said. The doors to the hospital wing, was swung open. And a blond boy came running towards us, James stood up. Pointing his wand against the boy, "who are you?!" He asked. "I-I'm his boyfriend..." The boy said. "James your scaring the boy. Don't worry. We are not going to hurt you, you can come see him" I said. The boy walked closer, he still looked scared. "You probabæy want to be alone, with Harry for a bit. We also need to get back, to where we're staying" I said, and took James' hand, and led him out of the hospital wing. "What the hell were you thinking? Would you have hexed him?!" I asked. "Didn't you look at the boy?! He looks a little to much, like Lucius Malfoy don't you think?! I swear if he's using Harry, I'll kill him without blinking!"James yelled. "We promised to support Harry! You can't break a promise, to our own son!" I said. "He might already be dead, by the end of the month! What are we going to do then?!" He asked. "Don't think like that! He's not going to die" I said. 

Draco's P.O.V

I held Harry's hand, and was stroking his hair with my free hand. "Why did you want to kill yourself Harry? Now I'm going to miss you, awfully until you wake up... It doesnt seem like your father likes me, maybe it's because I'm a Malfoy, and he thinks I'm using you. But I love you okay Harry? I love you more than anything, and I will do anything to get you back... anything" I said, and pressed my lips to his forehead. "I love you so much Harry. If I loose you, I won't be able to continue living..." I said, tears were now streaming down my face. He had scars and bruises on his face, and on his arms, he had a pretty deep wound, that had bandages on. He looked so pale, it made all the bruises and dried blood look worse than they were... I kissed his cheek. "I love you, with all my heart" I said.
I fell asleep, holding Harry's hand, and my head was resting on his chest. 

Lilly's P.O.V

I woke up early this morning, and was worried about Harry. I had cried most of the night, James was still asleep. But I knew it was impossible to go back to sleep, so I decided to visit Harry...
When I got to the hospital wing, Harry's boyfriend Draco, was sitting there. He was sleeping, it was pretty cute. He was helding Harry's hand, and their fingers were laced together. I put a hand on his back, which made him jump a bit. He looked at me, wit ha terrified look in his eyes. "Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you" I said. "How did you become boyfriends? If I may ask" I said. "When he came to the wizrd world, he seemed so confused about everything. So I wanted to help him, so he could be more like a wizard. We started to get to know each other, a little better. Then he told me, about what the Dursleys did to him... I knew I needed to be there for him, that if I just made one mistake, he would break appart... Andthen a few weeks ago, I asked if he would be my boyfriend. We've been together for a couple of weeks now, I really do love him... I would never do anything to hurt him" he said. "I think it's wonderful, Harry seem to deserve some happiness in his life. Sadly I didn't get to see, him grow up, and we would have wanted him to stay with his godfather, so I don't know why, he ended up with my sister" I said. "S-so you're okay with it?" He asked, "yeah. But, if you end up hurting Harry, in any way. You'll get to deal with James" I said. "I promise, that won't happen" he said.

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