"She is good for you," Jourdan agrees, and that alone causes Karlie's mouth to drop. She knows Jourdan wouldn't just say that if she didn't believe it. And she also knows that what Jourdan has just said is just about the complete opposite of what she felt last time she saw her.

"Do we have to buy housewarming gifts or is that not a thing that happens since you're just moving into her place? Because I have the perfect idea for a gift— except I don't think Taylor would want it in her apartment now that I think about it," Cara says, sounding as though she is getting lost in her own thoughts.

Karlie lies back against the lounge chair on her porch, nibbling on her bottom lip to keep from smiling as big as she feels like she could. She listens to Cara and Jourdan playfully bicker back and forth as she stares at the tree-lined horizon, feeling suddenly very relieved at the notion that her friends almost seem completely supportive of the decision. She zones out from their conversation, her mind running wild and concocting different daydream-like scenarios of her and Taylor hosting Jourdan and Cara for dinner in New York City and getting to introduce Taylor to them as her girlfriend for the first time. The only way she could feel anymore happily content than she does right now as she stretches her legs out into the warm sunlight is if Taylor were lying on the empty lounge chair beside her.


Karlie lightly pushes her bedroom door open, expecting to find Taylor still sleeping. She stops short in the doorway when she finds Taylor and Kariann sitting on the edge of the bed, with both cats in between them.

Taylor and Kariann barely glance at her when they return back to their conversation between each other, each of them stroking a cat.

"I had no idea that veterinarians had to go to school for so long. Like, as long as actual doctors," Taylor says, running her hand along Meredith's spine as Kariann opts for Olivia.

"Well, vets don't have as long of a residency, but yeah. It's still a lot of school. You have to learn about all different anatomies, instead of just one," Kariann explains.

"Yeah, I never thought about that," Taylor says, as Karlie takes a seat on the bed beside her. "Hello," Taylor says to Karlie finally, turning to her side with a smile.

"I thought you were still sleeping," Karlie says.

"No, we've just been talking," Taylor says, nodding her head to Kariann.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" Karlie asks.

"Is Kariann invited?" Taylor asks, raising her eyebrows a bit. Her blue eyes are shining knowingly and mischievously. She's well aware of what the answer is.

"Ah, no," Karlie laughs, lightly reaching around Taylor to apologetically squeeze Kariann's shoulder.

Kariann slightly shakes her head, smiling as she stands up, saying, "I said I'd bake with mom anyway."

"I'm sorry, Kariann. You're still my favorite sister," Karlie laughs as Kariann leaves the room.

"I think you just lucked out that it wasn't Kimby in here because she would've made that a lot more difficult," Taylor says, completely focusing her attention on Karlie now.

"I still would've got what I wanted," Karlie says confidently, before leaning in for a kiss.

Taylor rolls her eyes, but when their lips meet, Karlie thinks she seems to be even happier that they've found the time to kiss than she is.


"Can you tell me how you managed to make our private walk not so private?" Karlie asks, when they've finally left the house.

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