September 2nd, 2014

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Is it bad that I feel so alone? Probably not, since it's a part of life. Everything's a part of life, and I hate it. If that's how it's going to be, I'd rather not live. I have to though, cause I'm too scared to do anything else but live. It's so difficult to show how torn I am inside, because I don't want people to look at me differently, with pity, with sympathy, or worse, with indifference. In the bad way, the way that means they don't care. I love my friends dearly, but it would make me suffer more for them to look at me in any way than the way they are now: like I was an important friend to them as well. I hide it, because I long for someone to see past my smiles, look past all my outer layers and see me for who I really am. Maybe one day that person will come and be the one to heal me, little by little.

Right now, everything is difficult and I feel like I'm in a dark hole and the light is so far away. Life just sucks like that, doesn't it?

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