Chapter 1: Starting anew

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“FINALLY! A COLLEGE STUDENT! I’m moving up in the world Vickie!” McKayla said to her friend

“Lucky….I still have a year to go before I can leave” Vickie pouted

McKayla hugged her

“Don’t worry. Senior year will go by fast. Plus Seniors have the most fun since its their last year” McKayla laughed

Vickie laughed along with her and then started to cry

“Awe! Vickie…Don’t cry! I’ll visit as much as I can!” McKayla reassured.

“Who am I supposed to hang out with until then? I have no interesting friends…all mine are boring except for you!” Vickie cried

“VICKIE! That’s not nice.” McKayla said laughing

Vickie stopped crying and starting laughing once again

“Haha! Your right….that wasn’t nice was it” Vickie said in between laughs

“No it wasn’t. But hey, I’ll take that as a complement” McKayla said putting her hand on Vickie’s shoulder

McKayla finished packing and filled her car up with what she thought was important to take to college. She, Vickie, her parents, and little brother stood by her car.

“I’ll miss you sweetie!” her mother said crying

“I’ll miss you too. I’ll call you as often as I can” McKayla said with a smile

Her mother continued to cry while her father hugged her tight

“Don’t let anyone mess with you! If they do I’ll be there in five minutes!” he said

“Daaaaddyy. I’ll be fine” she whined

“You better” he said letting go of his daughter

Her little brother was crying also.

“Don’t leave me” he cried and cried

“Johnny! I’ll be back. I promise. I love you and stay out of my room!” she said in a reassuring and serious tome

Johnny smiled through his tear

“I can’t promise anything” he sniffled

She glared at him. Last but not least she hugged her best friend.

“I’ll be sure to call you and let you know when I can come and hang.” She told Vickie

“You better!” Vickie said seriously

McKayla laughed and got in her car and waved

“SEE YOU SOON!” she shouted driving off

“Time to start anew at UCLA” she thought

UCLA-University of California, Los Angeles

Sorry, if its short. I promise it will get longer and hopefully more interesting. This and next chapter is her just settling in to the college life. By chapter 3 the pace should pick up :)

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