Chapter 10: Popular Break

Start from the beginning

Damian had turned into a popular. He joined the group that bullied me so badly my parents took me from the school... Damian was with a popular girl as a popular guy. My hands clench at my sides and I grit my teeth.

I hear Alex begin growling and I notice that right after the 'popular group', came Mindy, Amanda, and Lance. All of them looking like they were pushed away from the 'popular group'. The girls in the popular group kept calling out to Lance to tell them to join them; however, he kept gritting his teeth and staying behind with the depressed looking Amanda and Mindy.

Selina notices that Lance does not want to join their little group and she releases Damian from her hands. She turns around and frowns. Selina then grins and snaps her fingers. A purple magic surrounds Lance and he gasps out in pain, struggling as the purple magic grabbed him and started to pull him towards the group. Selina looks towards Mindy and Amanda and her eyes get a mischievous look to them. She snaps twice and the purple magic surrounds my two friends. Fear fills their eyes as they are squeezed and flipped over into the air by the purple magic. The group starts laughing and I notice Damian laughing also.

Selina causes the purple magic to squeeze tighter and I see even Lance fighting back tears.

My eyes turn golden and I feel my lightning shaped scar that was on my back begin to fill my blood with an ice cold feeling. I feel my dragon claws grow out and I was radiating with furry.

"No Catelyn! Alex! Don't you dare! They haven't noticed us yet... Don't..." Simon warns, but I can tell he was aggravated also.

"I have to stop this. I won't be a bystander when I was the victim of that magic before." I hiss, my body slowly transforming.

"Catelyn, no! They will recognize you! You always used to walk out with your parents to meet the village people!" Simon says, worry filling his voice as he notices me glowing and shaking with furry and with the urge to transform.

Selina grins and slams whimpering Amanda into a tree nearby, crackling, "No whimpering baby."

Amanda yelps in pain but then bites down on her lip to stop her crying.

I yell, my scar burst with power and forcing my dragon onto me. Simon puts a hand on my large thick dragon neck. "No Catelyn! You can't!"

My golden eyes were pinned on Selina but were darting between my three friends that were currently under her magic. My friends were crying as the magic was forcing the air out of them, squeezing them like a constrictor.

Damian was laughing with the rest of the 'popular group' and my dislike for him went so low it went to hell. My scales turn black as I connect with Simon and Alex mentally, "I always went out with my parents as my white colored dragon, a female color. They have never seen the color of black on me. Damian doesn't know I returned, so I don't think he'll know. And if he does, oh he is in for a large surprise!"

Then I charge across the huge grassland that made up the front yard, running towards the group of friends.

I shout mentally to Simon, "Don't let Alex transform!"

I roar, coming up to the group. I loved the fear that seeped into their eyes as they saw a fourteen foot dragon charging them with teeth bared.

The group screams and scrams. Damian freezes, as if in shock, but Selina keeps using the magic on my friends; her sadistic pleasures keeping her away from the rest of the world.

I roar out as Damian screams, "Selina look out!" Then I slam into her with my head, sending her flying across the yard. She screams, landing softly in the grass but her purple magic twitches and glitches around my friends.

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