We still talk all the time though, FaceTime, video chat, text. He's still that 'Kid With The Shaggy Hair' from Stratford. I just wish we could go out like we used to. Do you know how hard it is having your crush be on a different continent for over a year...

Oh yeah did i mention I liked Justin?

Well, I kind of have a crush on Justin. I mean ever since we were little he's just been really nice to me. Not to mention he's also ridiculously hot. We were best friends forever and every since like fourth grade i've liked him. You know that rumor that guys and girls can't only be friends theres always something going on. That statement couldn't be any more true for Justin and I.

He probably doesn't like me back though. I mean he is "Justin Bieber" worldwide superstar.

If he is thirsty someone will come from Narnia to bring him water.

Yup, that famous..

I'm surprised how little fame has really changed justin. You would expect him too be some jerk popstar who only cares about money, and himself. That's not the case with Justin AT ALL. He always gives money to charities, and to his mom, Pattie. He gives to his whole family too. He even took us all on a trip to Disney once.

Anyways whenever Justin was actually in town we hung out, well Justin is in town today, and we are going to go play basketball.

We both loved basketball ever since elementary school. I am the head cheerleader of North-High's cheerleading team, and he was the MVP of North-High's basketball team, before he had to leave school, well because, ya know. "Fame"

We were basically the "perfect couple" except we weren't actually dating...

You know the story,

The head cheerleader and the head basketball player date... So everybody thought that was us, ugh I wish!

Reality ruined my life...

Anyway, I always played basketball with Justin after school when I didn't have practice for cheerleading, and when he didn't have a game. Now he's famous and everything so we can't really just go out and play basketball at the park, but Justin found this basketball court in the middle of the woods, and nobody I mean NOBODY knows where it is. We love it!

I just left cheerleading practice, and I head into my two story house up my stairs of my front porch and into my bedroom on the first floor, and I go change out of my cheerleading uniform and pick out underwear, a sports bra, jean shorts and a white spaghetti strap tank top and head into the shower.

*20 minutes later*

I hop out of the shower and rap a towel around my body. I pull out my blowdryer from the drawer and blow dry my hair. I put it into a high ponytail, and change into my clothes I picked out from before.

"So we put our hands up like the ceiling can't hold us, like the ceiling can't hold-"

"Ughh" i groaned as i pulled my cellphone out of the charger, and answered it not bothering to look at the caller ID.

"What?!" I said annoyingly.

"Well somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed." I heard a voice say at the door, and through my phone

I turn around and see Justin standing there with his black iPhone pressed up to his ear, a grin on his face.

"JUSTIN!" I screamed.

I drop my phone onto my bed, and run over to him and give him a bear hug.

He picks me up and twirls me around in his arms.

"I missed you y/n!"

"I missed you too J!"

"Okay Justin you can put me down now." I lauged

"Oh yeah, sorry." He said, and put me down.

"Okay ready to go?!" I jumped.

"Yes! I'm so excited we didn't play basketball in forever!!"

"I know! Okay let's get going c'mon!"

I grabbed my keys to my blue convertible and threw them to Justin letting him know he would be driving.

We both head down the stairs, and out the door.

Justin opened the car door for me and I said a quick "thanks" and stepped into the passenger seat of my car.

Justin got in on the drivers side, and put the keys in the ignition, and turned it. The car made a roar and came to life, and before you can say "Drake Bell is Irrelavent" we were on the road with the top of the car down singing to "Stay" by Rihanna.

Just Believe *EDITED VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now