chapter five

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Falcon's pov

I feel my heart sink and, a few tear's fall as I watch Armand and Storm embrace. There daughter Sunrice. Has taken her own life.

It must be hard to try and live without your soul mate. She wasn't willing to try. I turn to Blade, Lutz, Bloodhawk and Skyblade.

" Come on let's give them there privacy to greive for they daughter. I look at Skyblade he is the youngest " Skyblade what's wrong ". He shake's his head and walk's away.

I follow after him. " Skyblade ". He turn's and look's at me. I can now see tear's in his eye's. " She died for the man she loved ". I nod.

" Why can I not find my mate Fal ". I look at Armand and Storm. " You will Skyblade, your are only seventeen ". Hell I was twenty one before, I found Carrie.

" Fal what if she isn't born yet ". I then feel a cold hand on my arm. I turn and see Storm. Out of respect I bow to her. " Your Highness ".

She shake's her head. " Please call me Storm ". I nod. She then turn's to Skyblade. " Your mate will be here soon ".

With that she turn's and leave's .

Carrie's pov

I have just heard that Sunrice is dead. I am holding a crying Sophie. I feel so sorry for all of these poor children .

They have lost a friend and a sibling. I can't stop the tear's that fall for the poor child. I know how she feel's. If I lost falcon. I would want to die to.

I then hear the door open and she Storm and Armand come in holding a small box. Storm come's in to me.

Armand disappear's. " Storm, I'm so sorry ". She nod's and Darkarmand and Darren go to her and hug here.

She hug's them back. " I'm coping thank's Carrie ". I smile weakly and I feel a fresh flood of tear's fall.

Storm's pov

I hope Armand can feel that I'm pregnant. I will tell him later. Once thing's have calmed down. It was the shock of Sunrice's death, that made me cry.

I didn't know that there bond run so deep. I tell my son's to go and rest. I then go to Sophie and tell her to sleep a while as Rogue will be back from visting Lou soon.

She nod's and leave's. I sit next to Carrie and we talk for a while. It help's take mind off of Sunrice. We laugh sort of about our childhood.

" Storm, how are you doing really ". I wipe a tear. " I don't know, I sort of feel empty inside ". I start to cry again.

I think it is starting to really hit me now. I have lost my baby. She is gone.

Armand's pov

I lie Sunrice's ashes out on the bed.  I also light candle's and place them around her room. I then get on bended knee's beside her ashes.

I can feel the tear's fall again. I rest my head on the edge of the bed and sob. I have lost my baby. I want to scream at the sky .

I want to scream at anyone that will help me bring her back. I then feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see Falcon .

" Armand I'm so sorry ". I nod, As I can't find my voice. I get up and walk to the window and see the sky darkening.

" Armand it might help to talk ". I look at the sky. " I don't know how to feel. I have lost my baby ". I can't put it in to word's they way I feel.

Falcon's pov

I don't know how he feel's. I have never lost a child. But the way she died and the way she looked at him. When she said goodbye.

Her eye's look empty. Like she was already gone inside. No life is easy to lose. But I can only image the pain he is feeling now.

I touch his Shoulder and he turn's. I hold him as he cries and then I cry to. She wasn't my daughter but to see such a young life wasted.

Darknite's pov

I have just seen Storm she has told me, That Sunrice is gone. I run up to my granddaughter's room. I see my son resting on a Dragon shoulder.

I then see my granddaughter's ashes on the bed. " This is what Rowan has driven us to ". He nod's. I then go back downstair's .

I walk in to my father's study. I sit in his chair and cry for my lost grandchild. I then feel a hand on my arm. I look up and see Storm.

I hold my daughter close as I cry .

Storm's pov

I hold Papa as he cries. I feel myself crying again. I feel like I have lost so much today. My friend and my daughter all in one day .

Yes I still think of Rowan as a friend even after everything he has done. I leave Papa and run to the reef. I see Rowan's ashes still lying there.

I pick up the ashes and throw in to the water of the reef. " Rest in peace Rowan ". I feel more tear's fall. He may have turned evil, but I feel that is my fault.

I feel a pair of arm's wrap around my waist " Hello fang's ". I then feel his lip's on my neck. " Blood, all will be okay you know ".

I nod " I know fang's ". Now is the time to tell him two thing's. " Armand I have something's to tell you ". He hold's my hand's.

" What is it blood ". Here goes. " Armand Sunrice will rise again ". He is now standing in front of me. " What, what do you mean Storm ".

" I mean our daughter Sunrice is part firephoenix ". He smile's. " She will come back ". I nod. Now for the next part .

" Fang's I'm pregnant again ". He pick's me up and swing's me around. I then see my daughter Sunrice rise from the ashes like a phoenix.

" Armand she will rise again in a few day's . I have seen it  ".  What I  won't tell him is that I am carrying twin girl's.

One will be bonded to a Dracion. The other will be bonded to a Dragon. Not just any Dragon Skyblade.

Hope you enjoy, Love you all, vote and comment please

The next chapter will be on Bond's and bloodtear's ..

Also please check out Dragon Knight Light, By Mattdragon thank's

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