I ran over outside to see the Mermen watching Rin and Meito dancing, and exploded at them. "What the heck is this?? And how on earth did Meito get legs?? This is.....Absolutely NUTZ!"

But the Mermen only jeered and smirked at me, replying. "You don't even know what Mermen can do, do you you? We can turn into humans, but mermaids can't. WE'RE taking turns on dancing with her!"

I gritted my teeth at them, and stormed away back into the castle in defeat as they laughed after me. Once I get to the table, I angrily stuffed my face full of smoked shrimps and chewed angrily....

....I don't know...

....Like Aladdin's monkey chomping on a bread like the gif above!!

Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked to see Mother with a girl in blonde hair that was tied up into a ponytail next to her. And she was tall as I was. To my opinion, she didn't look any pretty at all. Maybe it's because of those big thick eyebrows and sharp yellow eyes. "Len, meet Neru Akita, the Princess and the wealthiest above all these women!" That girl bowed and said. "It's a pleasure to meet you, your majesty." I only made a face at her, which made her change expression. Mother just stomped on my foot and said to that girl. "Neru, how about a dance with him?"

Neru...Or whatever her name is grinned so she held out her hands, but I kept my hands to my side. "Sorry, Mother! I'm quite feeling full from eating a bucket of....Bananas so I want to have a LONG rest!" I excused. Mother just gave me a look as Neru looked uncomfortable and shuffled. "No! Just do it anyway because she came over to me saying that she likes you!" Mother kissed and shoved me over to her.

I slowly began to dance with her with a face like if she had.....an illness or something and didn't dare to look at her face again. Mother only sighed of a relief and went over to Father who was talking with that Meito. I could just run over there to join up with the conversation, or something. It seemed like forever until the bell for dinner came, so I quickly snatched my hands away from her in relief and disgust. I didn't care whether she looked hurt or not!

Everyone seated at the long table and when the foods were already, Mother ran over to me again and hissed. "Do the announcement!" I sighed at that woman and stood up grumbling. With only by raising my hand up, everyone shutted up. "Everyone, I THANK you all for coming to this....Ball, even though I did not wanted it--And it was a pleasure to see you women from town and all around the world coming over here, just for all this. Please...Er....Enjoy your meal." He said sitting back down again.

Mother hit me at the back of head and walked away, but I didn't care. She at least got it for wasting my free time yesterday. "So, Onii-sama! Did you find one yet?" Rin asked. I shrugged at that stupid question and stuffed my face, wanting this ball to end already. "Leave your older brother for now. He seems to be in a bad mood today..." Luki whispered, who looked as if he had appeared out of nowhere. I glared at that guy. "If you really have a problem with me, then you could at least leave and stop seducing my little sister!" I yelled at him.

(Neru's POV)

I watched as Prince Len scold at that man who seemed like if he was teasing him. Are they close friends? What about the Princess? Well, I know she's Prince Len's younger sister, but I wonder if she get me help because I'm in love the Prince. He's so gorgeous! His hair is golden and his eyes are like the sky at sunlight!

"Is there something wrong?" The Queen asked placing her hands on my shoulders. I shyly smiled and said. "Oh no, Your highness, I was just wondering about Prince Len." I said. The Queen laughed and said. "Him? He's such a wonderful boy isn't he?" I nodded quietly. Then she turned to my Father and said. "Mr Akita! How is everything going for you?" Father, cracked a little smile and replied. "Alright thank you."

When the Queen's chat with father finished and she was out of sight, Father looked at me and asked. "Have you tried dancing with the Prince?" I nodded again and looked over to the Prince who quietly ate. "Well good! He seems like a good husband for you and our family. You know we need someone so royal and respected like him." Father grunted. "And what's that little lady's name?"

I looked at where he was looking and saw the Princess, royally eating and talking with Prince Len and with that other man. "Her name is Rin and she's a younger sister of Len." I replied. Father smugly took a small amount of food into his mouth and murmured. "Why don't you be like her? She's beautiful and she's a kind maiden.." 

I poked my tongue at him while he was looking away and ate, but I didn't stop looking at him. The Prince I mean. He was just so cool and handsome! I really want to be his wife and his queen forever!


Wow. I get bored already, and I've written Chapter 3 already....Anyway, keep reading!...




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