Chapter 1 - The Beggining Of A Second Chance?

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Viola's POV:

 Betrayal  that one word was constantly played in Viola's mind as her so called "friend" stood beside her father with a big grin on her face.

Daddy please see that is not me.... "Stay away you monster!" I heard father say.

As soon as he said it I took a step back thinking he finally came to his senses when all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain come to my head Daddy..... I love you.... I fought the tears that were beckoning to come out of my eyes. I then felt another sharp pain to my head

Daddy.... It's okay you didn't know.... I love you....

Then the world around me faded to black... or so I thought..... I found myself still outside but when I opened my eyes everything was still a little blurry.

Wait a minute I didn't have eyes in Ellen's body..... I thought as I tried to stand up but it was a bit hard, "So I see you've awoken" a voice said to me.

The sudden speaking scared the living daylights out of me that I actually jumped out of my seat. "W-Who a-are y-you?" I stuttered out.

Wait a minute.... I can talk again... How can this be... possible? I pondered while still in a daze about me being able to talk again.

I then heard whoever or whatever it was chuckle, "Surprised my dear?"

This caused me to snap out of my daze again. The voice that was speaking with me finally moved into my view. My eyes widened with surprise for there was a guy with tan skin, black hair, with sparkly brown eyes he looked to be around my age the only thing that separated him from being an average human was that he had white angel wings.... Who is this guy....? I thought extremely confused about what exactly is happening.

"I'm an angel that was sent down to keep you on the right path.... also I was here to give you a second chance...." he explained in a soothing voice.

It's almost like he read my mind..... I thought shocked how he knew what my question was.

Even though he answered my question I still didn't know his name.... Then a thought hit me... Wait wasn't Ellen's black cat a demon....? Just assuming this "angel" is the black cat wouldn't that mean this "angel" is a demon.... "Oh right how rude of me not to tell you my name, well my name is Damien. Nice to meet you by the way," he says then smiles at me.

Again it appears like he read my mind....

He then continues talking, "Yes originally Ellen's cat was a demon but the demon left the cat's body after Ellen got your body (The demon did actually leave the cats body in the game watch the cats ending it shows it which means the demon wasn't in the body when it sucked up Viola) so then I just took over the cat after he left to come and save you, but don't worry my dear the cat no longer exists...." Damien explains.

I then decide to finally speak, "I guess that makes sense.... But why can I see and talk again....?" I questioned.

All Damien does is chuckle, "Look down sweetie" he says clearly amused I haven't noticed or at least haven't put two and two together.

I look at him confused then I looked down to find myself in my original body I gasp in shock, My body! I have my body back! But how....? Many questions begin to form in my head but I'll worry about that later right now I just want to live in the moment. I then hesitantly get out of my chair and slowly get up a big smile on my face the whole time Damien just chuckles. This makes me look up at him and smile at him "Oh thank you so much!" I exclaim happily before rushing over to embrace him in a hug.

He hugs me back with a light smile on his face, "Me? It wasn't just me! The boss sent me down to you, he was the one that gave you your body! I just volunteered to be the one to accompany you! " he says while looking at the ground avoiding any possible eye contact.

This makes me frown slightly, I then lift his chin up and make him look me in the eyes I then smile brightly, "Damien come on give yourself more credit! I'm sure you did more then you think!" I exclaim before hugging him again.

"Come on Viola let's get out of the forest and look around or something just anywhere but here..." Damien says awkwardly with a light blush on his face that Viola didn't notice. I then pull away from him with a big smile on my face and nod. Damien then smiles back and takes my hand and we begin out of the forest.

He's kinda of cute.... I think before looking down at our intertwined hands before bringing up my eyes back to his face I then find my face forming a smile self consciously.

While looking at his face I notice the beet red blush on Damien's face, "What's wrong Damien?" I ask concerned on why he's blushing so intensely.

"W-wh-what n-no-nothings w-wrong.... Why do you a-ask?" Damien says nervously while trying to avoid eye contact.

"Oh no! You must have a fever!" I exclaim before dropping my hand that was intertwined with his hand.

I then reach my hand up to his face and place it on his forehead. I notice his blush worsen as I do this, "Hmmm, well you don't have a fever....." I say confused on why else he might be blushing.

"I'm f-fi-fine.... l-let's just g-go" Damien quickly mumbles before taking off ahead of me.

"Damien! Wait for me!" I exclaim before I run to catch up to him.

When I do catch up to Damien I interwine our hands again. Somehow when we're holding hands it makes me feel safer....

Little did they know someone was watching them.....

Hey guys! Would you mind giving me a review on how you think of the story so far and if you think there's anything I can improve on! Any input will be greatly appreciated!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2017 ⏰

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