15 facts about me

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1) that cover picture is a picture of my room. I literally just painted it because I was bored (EDIT: I CHANGED IT PLZ DONT BE ANGRY)

2) those are my eyes in the picture above, I h8 them (yes I did just screen shot it from my Instagram)

3) the order of my favorite bands go:
1) panic! at the disco
2) twenty one pilots
3) fall out boy
4) paramore
5) my chemical romance
6) the academy is...
7) Tegan and Sara

4) I have no life other than reading fanfiction and listening to music

5) my series of actual books is the matched/crossed/reached trilogy

6) my birthday is July ninth

7) my friends think I'm crazy but I'm just like obsessed with bands

8) during the summer I stay up till like 8:00 in the morning

9) there was one month where the only song I would listen to was miss Jackson and it annoyed tf out of my friends. I listened to it at least 50 hours that month.

10) my best subject is math and my worst is French. J'ai ne pas parle francais bien?

11) when I first watched the I write sins not tragedies videos I thought it was Ryan singing and in the video.

12) I took gymnastics as a kid but the only thing I learned is how to do a back walk over and a cart wheel on a balance beam

13) I really like making jokes about milk and also I really really like Ryan Ross (his face is just to perfect)

14) I saw tegan and Sara in concert when I was 11. A security guy pulled me out of the crowd and put me in the front so I could see better. Best experience of my life so far.

15) I like cats better than dogs

I was tagged by FobsessedGirl
I tag anyone who sees this and wants to do it but hasn't yet

15 facts about meWhere stories live. Discover now