Xscape and crimes

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I just fenshed snorteng the last of my vinegar when demetra threw down sume table scraps and lft over vetbles.

Third Person:
Poot happily took the food and munched it down. She then did her daily ceremony for bob Duncan, then TRYED to think of a way to escape. little did she know there was a window she would break out of. Stupid poot. She opened the window and climbed out, screaming, "Poot"
since 3 years already past since Becky locked her in the basement, no one remembered and they thought she was demi. So she put a hoodie on with sunglasses so she wouldn't get mobbed. She then left the house of memory's, for good.
Just 2 hours later, she managed to steal a fed-ex truck, and steal Beyoncé's passport. She could easily pass as Beyoncé. She hopped on a plane to Hollywood.

when she arrived, she stole a gun from Walmart. She then went into the police station and did something she would regret the rest of her life.

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