Nicki: can you go cut on the air and can you find asia sippy and filled it with warm milk please

Meek: anything for her (kissing asia forehead)

Nicki: thanks (getting off the bed and opening her suit case)

I walked down and did you nicki said and walked out room and I found the home movie I took it upstairs and found nicki trying to get as is to take her medicine

Nicki: come on asia

Asia just her head no

Nicki: please asia it will make you better

Asia: no no

Nicki: asia don't be difficult it taste good

As soon asia laid eyes on me she called for me

Asia: daddy

I went over and picked her up

Asia let out a little sneeze and a small cough and she was on fire

Meek: asia please take the medicine

Asia just screwed her face up and stuck her tongue out

Meek: please I will get you whateva you want

Asia: bear bear

Meek: (laughed) yes a new bear bear

Asia: otay

I put her down on the bed and she opened her mouth and nicki slipped medicine injector and sprayed the medicine in her mouth and the face asia made was priceless

Asia screwed her face all the way up and she look like she gonna spit it out

Nicki: no swallow it

Asia swallow it but she looked having a hard time

Asia: nwasty (shaking her head)

Meek: here (handing her a bottle full warm milk)

Asia laid on the bed and played with hair

Nicki went to the bathroom to change and came back with a thermometer

Nicki took the bottle from asia and stuck the thermometer in her mouth

Nicki: and you are 103°

Nicki gave bottle back

Meek: asia you want watch home

Asia just nodded and laid on nickis stomach

i popped the movie in and we watched together

Nicki POV

Me and meek been up all night with asia she couldn't go to sleep cried all night then she fall asleep and wake back up and cry again

We laid asia down she sleep while we pack to head back to New York and pack at my house I hope this goes well

Nicki: meek please be quiet you're going to wake her up and then you are going to deal with the crying

Meek: ok nicki

This sad we was tiptoeing around to whole house to make sure we got everything we need before we go

Meeks friends came over to help of get everything out the house and to the car we was almost done

I just got to pack asia bags and all her toys and there all over the place then i have to get her dressed that about to be a struggle

Meek: babe you need help

Nicki: yea can you help me find her toys

Meek: yeah sure

At every corner there is a toy

Nicki: damn this girl got a lot of toys

We finally had all asia stuff pack and meek was carrying it down stairs

Nicki: asia come on wake up

Asia just whined

Nicki: baby girl come then we can go (picking her up)

Asia still didn't feel go and all she did is cried

I struggled to get her dressed but I finally made it down stairs and in the car meek grabbed my hand and I looked at him

Meek: you ready for this move

I just kissed him and smiled

Nicki: yes I am baby

Aww poor baby asia
They bout to be living together how sweet
Now we need some drama
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