Chapter Sixteen

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The best of all? The best of all was Danny's reaction. He didn't expected he would police in his office. He laughed at them. But when he saw Alice coming filled with rage and fury he knew he was busted. He knew he was gone. He knew that it was his turn now. He knew that it was God's punishment. But he loved her too. But he was jealous of her love which Alice couldn't afford. The police arrested him the next day with all of the proofs and he accepted his crime.

The whole week was not quite predictable. Alice never thought her life would become that much easy within seconds. She never thought everything would happen so quickly and everything in her favor. And most important she got him. HIM. That was the most important achievement for her.

Krista on the other hand, was very sorry for whatever she did. For being evil and for being selfish. But Alice forgave her. Alice had a big heart just like her mother. She had thanked her for everything. She and her family was safe now.

The TV flooded with Danny's news. The news which made him guilty to all the world. The news which proved that Henry wasn't involved and that it was just a trap. The newspaper and news were all filled with their faces. Pictures of Alice and Henry kissing and hugging each other were filled all over the media. Alice liked it. She liked herself to be seen with the best guy. THE BEST GUY OF HER LIFE. That wonderful night which she had spent with him. There was nothing comparable with that night. That few hours were enough for her to make her die for him. And those hours were enough for Henry too. He realized how to love someone.

"The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That's what I hope to give you forever."


Love is the best thing on earth. Once you feel it, you achieve it. The past week had been perfect for Alice. She got what she wanted. Got the love of her life. Got her life lessons. Most importantly She sell her house. Her house in LA. She wanted to live in San Francisco in her Mother's home.

Most Importantly Henry proposed her. Henry had proposed her to marriage. And she couldn't believe that. She had never imagined all of this. Being proposed by her love. And indeed their love was pure. She had to say yes. And YES it was.

Beth on the other hand was really excited for Allie. She had always waited for this exact moment. And it was her Best Friend's time now. It was Alice's time. Time for her to live and love and spend her life the way she wants to. Her precious time. It was her turn now. God had gifted her with him. It was her responsibility now to take care of him. And she would she had promised from the day she met him. This week had been amazing for her. Although she felt bad about Danny but it was his fault. He shouldn't have started all of this. He was her friend after all. Moreover she was excited for Beth. And her new love life too.

It was on the Christmas Fair when Henry had proposed her. It was her perfect night. Perfect Night of all <3 She had waited for this moment. Henry had made it memorable for her. They had planned their wedding day. Alice wanted everything to be perfect. Perfect was her word.

She was special. Special for him<3

They had decided to get married on the 1st of December. Alice loved Winters so they had decided to choose winters and they did. They wedding ceremony took place in the Antonio Church which was near the Hail's lake. It was the best wedding. She had invited all of her friends from LA too. Beth had decided everything. All the decorations, food, Music, place, everything was planned by Beth. It was all Beth's idea. She was good at planning things. And she did it well. Henry's Dad had been proud of both of them. And was sorry for whatever he did with Alice. Alice on the other hand acted as if she forgot everything. She had decided no grudges no nothing. She wanted a pure relation with his partner.

Beth was 2 weeks pregnant on her wedding day. Alice had been very excited for her. They both wanted a baby boy. Alice had imagined this with herself too. She had always wanted to be a mother. And loved kids. Same was with Beth. They both wanted kids and loved them. The males on the other hand wanted the same.

"Once you truly believe yo u're worthy of love, you will never settle for anyone's second best treatment."



"Mommy can we go to the park today pleaseee?!!" Anthony exclaimed.

Anthony was 6 old now.

"I don't think so! You haven't completed your work yet. Your father wouldn't allow us to go."

"But Mom!...

"Anthony !!

Life was going on the way she wanted it to be. Alice was blessed with a boy and a girl. Anthony was born just after a year of their marriage. While Kristy was born after the 4th year of her marriage. She was 3 years old now. She was just like Henry. Carbon copy of him. Small Henry. Anthony on the other hand was also like Henry. Her kids were not like her. And she liked it. She wanted to see Henry in everyone. Henry had been a wonderful dad. He gave them his time equally. Dad's are supposed to do that. Kristy was more attached to him.

Beth had 3 children. She was really fast at this. Two sons and a daughter. Her girl was approximately the same age of Anthony. And they had become good friends. Wherever they went they had always invited Beth's family with them. Part of the reason why their kids were so attached with each other.

She missed her mom every day. She wanted her to see her kids and everything but....Henry had supported her throughout.

Seven years of their marriage made their pact, bond more strong. Their marriage like was flawless and exemplary. As she had always believed "Where there is love there is life."

She had a strong believe on God and she got what she wanted <3

"I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough."
– Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook




AliceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora