Little Secret

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*Normal P.O.V (Crystal)*

"Wake up motherfuckers!" No... Five more minutes please Jay.

"Come on, get up!" Stop coming closer to my bunk dude.


This time I jumped up as the sound of Jays voice appeared right by my ear, clear and loud. Making sure my cover hadn't slipped down my bare chest, I threw Jay a glare as he started laughing.

"I don't appreciate those types of wake up calls, you dick," I told him as I hunted through my bunk for a shirt.

"I know, that's why it's funny. Anyway, it's midday so get up we have breakfast to get and a Soundcheck to do, and I have a Matt Tuck to stay hidden from."

Yep, that's right. Jay is the Jason 'Jay' James, ex bassist of Bullet, the band we were touring with. He had recently become the new bassist for my band, Roses Bleed Blue, about two months ago after our other bassist Megan had quit. So far everyone in Bullet For My Valentine knew of Jays company around here, apart from Matt. Him and Jay kind of ended things on bad terms in the band, and even though I knew Jay was more than willing to fix things, everyone knew how stubborn Matt could be. That, and the fact we've hardly seen Matt around, unless it was for their stage time. He would never be around to hang out, or even watch us or the other support act. He has yet to even meet my band and I. The rest of the Bullet guys are always telling us that he's gone through some heavy shit recently, but they reckon they can soon get him back up to pace. In honesty I'm surprised they've managed to keep Jay a secret for this long.

Once I found a shirt, I pulled it on and jumped down from my bunk and headed into the kitchenette to fix myself a coffee.

"Oof, now that's a nice view to wake up to!" I heard from the other end of the bus. I looked over and saw Myles, our guitarist walking out of the bunk area towards me, gesturing with his eyes to my bare legs where the shirt I wore stopped just above my mid thigh. I rolled my eyes and pushed him away slightly as everyone else began waking up. Jack, our other guitarist and Dylan our Drummer walked out and said good morning, then flopped onto the sofa, looking like they were going to fall back asleep at any given moment.

"If you guys fall back asleep, you know Jay will just come jump on you or something," I pointed out, grabbing a rolled up magazine and hit them over the head with it.

"Ah, can you not?! Lemme wake up on my own, woman!" Dylan whined, shielding himself with his arms.

I laughed and threw the magazine back down on the table and continued to sort out coffee for myself and everyone else, before Myles perked up a conversation.

"So Crystal, do you reckon today might be your lucky day to get that selfie with Mr fuckboy tuckboy?"

"His name is Matt Tuck, and I highly doubt it, we've not seen anything of him off stage," I replied. Carrying over the coffee cups and handing them to each of the boys. I was personally a huge fan of Bullet and all I pretty much wanted was a hug or picture with the guys, so I was pretty stoked when I found my band was touring with them, as well as the time Jay agreed to be our bassist.

"True, I wonder what the guys meant when they said he's going through some shit? Must be pretty bad..." Jack thought aloud, allowing me to automatically share my inside knowledge.

"He divorced Charley a couple of weeks ago because it came up that she cheated on him about 6 years ago, and then got back with that same guy for the last few months that her and Matt were together."

"Wow, wait how do you know this?" Dylan asked.

"Moose. Oh and also he found out from Evan, the kid himself, that he was never actually Evans dad, but the guy Charley was seeing behind his back."

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