SS Potter Series Part I - Summer of the Serpent by SSHENRY

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Summer of the Serpent by SSHENRY

Summary: WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF SS POTTER! - - - Ginny Weasley survived the Chamber of Secrets, but will she survive the summer suprises and discovery that follows? This is the first in a series. Other works from the world of SS POTTER include LIFE IS BUT A DREAM, TOWARDS TOMORROW and TODAY THE TEMPEST. This story is a dark, fiction and is a prequel to Towards Tomorrow (also being posted on this site)

Rating: R

Categories: Pre-OotP

Characters: None

Genres: None

Warnings: None

Challenges: None

Series: SSPotter

Published: 2005.01.10

Updated: 2005.01.27


Chapter 1: The Journal

Chapter 2: CHANGES

Chapter 3: WEIRDNESS

Chapter 4: EGYPT

Chapter 5: MIND GAMES

Chapter 6: GINNY'S ROOM




Chapter 1: The Journal

July 6th

Professor Dumbledore said that I'd been very brave. Well no, he didn't actually say brave. What he said was that I was "an extraordinary young woman" who "showed a great deal of courage in dealing with a situation that most adult wizards would have found overwhelming."

And therein lies the problem. Most adult wizards would never have found themselves in my situation, would they? Most adult wizards would have realized that they were dealing with a dangerous piece of dark magic and would have disposed of that cursed diary before it ever had a chance to work its magic on them. But not me, oh no. Naive trusting, lonely, love struck little Ginevra Weasley had to be so sappily pathetic that she poured out her heart to the most powerful Dark Lord in recorded history. Of course I didn't realize Tom's true identity until it was too late, but that's no excuse. It should never have happened.

Professor MacGonagall said that I was not to be held responsible for falling prey to Tom's deception. (She didn't actually say his name, but I knew exactly who she meant by "Him"). It was very nice of her to say what she said, and she might truly mean that I am not to be held responsible. Problem is, I hold myself responsible! I could have killed Mrs. Norris, and that would have been bad enough, I love cats desperately, but Colin? Justin? My own brother's girlfriend Penelope? I still see their faces in my dreams, all stiff and stone like. Sometimes I dream that I've been turned to stone, that I can see and hear but can't respond, and I wake up screaming and twisted up in my sheets.

I could have killed Hermione, and that would have killed Ron. (Stupid prat doesn't realize it yet, but he's crazy about her. He's always talking about her, quoting things she said, raging about what a stickler for details she is, but he sleeps with a photo of her - O.K. of the three of them - under his pillow).

SS Potter Series Part I - Summer of the Serpent by SSHENRYWhere stories live. Discover now