Chapter 2

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Today is the reaping. Everyone dresses up in fancy attire, even the poorest of the poorest. It's hard to imagine the children of District 12 actually clean and suited. But my family isn't much to applaud at either. I'm wearing a plain white dress that itches my back and my hair is up in a low bun which frames my small, innocent face. Perhaps my mother thinks that no one would dare harm me like that.

This is considered fancy in my home but nothing to the Capitol and people like Cato. District 2 is a big district, in fact, one of the biggest out of all twelve. One of the most cruel and fierce as well. The older volunteer as tributes every year, we usually get more than three. A few years ago, a whole hour was wasted over a dispute on who gets to be representative of 2.

There is over a thousand people here, but I spot a very blonde head. No doubt it's Cato. He's with his younger brother, I can tell it's his first reaping ever. His eyes are clouded with no emotion but a layer beneath, there's a possibility of nervousness and fear.

Everyone's gaze turns to the Mayor Pyopia who's making her way to the stage.

The mayor rehearses the Treaty of Treason about Panem and what it was like in the Dark Days. She croaks on and it's finally time for the male and female tributes to be reaped.

The Capitol woman- Poppy Klapon, she's been our escort for years- squeaks out, "Ladies first!"
She dramatically pauses and quickly chooses a slip of paper from the reaping ball. I hold my breath, the whole of 2 does.

"Honora Floren!" the Poppy Klapon announces. Everyone turns to a girl with stick arms in the front. The poor girl is frightened and you can see how skinny she is. Ribs sticking out, eyes sunk into a tired grey face, the way she trembles when her body moves. She's like me- but worse. She looks about thirteen, and she's suffering through poverty. I've never seen her before, but then again, I don't go out of the house often and I don't socialize well at school. People are scared of me, of my knives, of my attack on Cato. I'm perfectly satisfied with that. No arrogant faces glowering down at me, no one trailing me back home, none of that. So I decide to volunteer. I will be the first tribute from District 2 that suffered through hard risks. Even if it means taking the risk of death and torture. I'll join the Career pack, I'll win and be rich, be a victor, be rich, live in a mansion, be rich, and attend parties, be rich.

"I volunteer as tribute!" I speak clearly. I hear my mother gasp from behind me. I should have said it earlier, a bulky girl, who's around a year older than me volunteered at the same time. My breaths are rapid. The mayor comes up. She takes a moment to decide. Mayor Pyopia stares at the both of us so I keep a fierce face. No fear, it's channeled.

Then she chooses.

"The skinny one," she confirms firmly to the people of 2. I feel sickly insulted, I don't even notice the older girl glaring at me with glowing hatred. "The skinny one" is still ringing in my ears.

"Oh well! Who do we have here?" Poppy Klapon asks.

"Clove, Clove Kentwell," I say unsurely as if I don't remember my own name. I climb onto the stage and it's time for the boys' reaping.

The escort goes over to the other side, where the boys' ball is and sticks her plump hand into it. Fumbles around for a bit, chooses a slip and opens it carefully, not shredding it with her red talons.

"Maxy Thornlee!"

The crowd moves out of the way for the male tribute to make his way to the stage. The male tribute is... It's Cato's brother! I spot Cato in the large crowd and he seems calm. He's surely going to volunteer.

"I volunteer!" he confides. I'm not wrong as I assumed just a second before. No one else volunteers. He's a good chance of District. 2 winning the Games, we don't want to ruin that chance. Maxy does not look one bit surprised, they must have planned this bit by bit. Cato must have promised to volunteer for him if he was reaped—even if the chances were slim. But Maxy does have fear shown, for his brother who might not make it back home, the brother who could get slaughtered and beaten in an unknown climate. Hard to imagine someone loving a person like Cato.

He quickly clambers onto the stage and the Poppy Klapon makes us shake hands. I grit my teeth and shake his hand with my sweaty one firmly and let go instantly. I wipe my hands on my white dress for good measure and I wouldn't be the least surprised if I find some of Cato's dirty ego later on.

"Well, let's give a round of applause to our female and male tributes of District 2!" Poppy squeaks.

A small round of applause breaks out, Honora Floren was clapping so hard, she resembled a drunken seal. I glance quickly at Cato and he has a poker face stamped on his face.

I have volunteered.

I am the female tribute of 2.

I will win at all costs.

Even if it means killing.

Career Love: A Clato FanficWhere stories live. Discover now