Stingray Affliction

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After three songs, the bus finally stopped in front of our school. I was the first one to get out of the warm, comfortable, yellow colored bus and the first to enter the gates of the giant red building.

I went to my locker, opened it, and took my first class' book, Englis and American Literature. After I closed the locker, I saw Kellin and Vic behind it, almost giving me a heart attack (I scare easily by the way).

"Listen" , said Vic with his right fingers in his lover's left hand, "We're sorry for leaving you alone,Ty" they said in unison, with that damn look in their eyes.

"It's okay", I said in my usual quiet voce, " Can we, just, start all over again ?" said Vic, "Yeah, of course" I said with happiness in my eyes, I finally got a friend back, and I gained a new one! I was happier than usual and something (I don't really know what) was telling me that things were about to get a lot better.

"Well, Ty" , said Kellin's sweet voice, "We'll see you at lunch", I just nodded and waved them bye, before going to class.

When I arrived in class, our Literature professor Mr. Bruce still hadn't arrived; and as I was looking for a seat, I noticed that the only empty seat was next to Bohn, yes, THE Michael Bohn.

As soon as I seated myself, Mr.Bruce arrived, and so the lesson started.

Before the bell rang, I felt a light tap on my shoulders, and as soon as I turned around I saw my crush staring back at me, saying a sentence that I always wanted to hear: " Are you Tyler Carter ?"

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