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{Apperater's POV}

I walked into my house as I got a message from James. 'Hey, just making sure you got home safe.' I didn't reply. After about 4 hours I feel asleep. I woke up to my mother telling me to get ready. I got to school where James was and we talked. I saw Special Johnny looking as James gave me a kiss on the cheek.

{Special Johnny's POV}

I cringed as James walked up to Apperater and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He wrapped his arm around her. He stared at the happy couple and wished that was him. No! Don't think like that! Shes your friend! James and Apperater walked into the school holding hands. I walked into the school and sat next to Apperater. "Hey Johnny!" She smiled. James gave me a scathing look before returning to Apperater. "So, do you want to go to the movies after school?" James asked her. She bit her lip. "I have plans after school." She lied.

{Apperater's POV}

"So, do you want to go to the movies after school?" James asked me. I bit my lip. I didn't want to say yes when Special Johnny was there, who am I kidding. I don't want to say yes anyway! "I have plans after school." I lied. "Oh, oh well. We can go out another time." He smiled at me. Special Johnny's face cleared with relief. "Ya, right." I don't want this relationship to go further. I don't like him...

{Special Johnny's POV}

Ahhh 5th period Science! I love this class. "Ok class! Today we will talk about biology. Biology is the study of life. What is biology?" The teacher asked the class. "The study of life." Replied a drowsy class. "Ok so what is the first unit in a body system?" Lauren, the smartest girl in class, raised her hand. "Yes, Lauren." "Atoms." The teacher wrote that on the board. "Next would be?" I rose my hand. "Yes?" "Molecules and Elements." She wrote that on the board. "And what is a element?" "A element is a molecule, but multiple ones." "Correct!" RINGGGGGGG The bell rang. Time for lunch! I walked to the cafeteria and saw Apperater in a hurry go to her next class where she played the violin (Apperater's description is really specific). I walked in and sat at the long brown tables where I ate my lunch with a few other friends. I finished my lunch in 20 minutes and the bell rang for 7th period. Apperater went to science while I went to math. I saw Pikachu in the halls. "Hey." He said as he saw the tired look on my face. "You need sleep." "You think?" I replied and walked off. After 8th period school was finally over and I saw Apperater and James talking. Apperater was bitting her lip. Was she going to do what I hoped?

The Everlasting LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora