A Child Changes Everything. [Luna Longbottom]

Start from the beginning

“Well, yes he did. Such an interesting man. A friend of my father’s before he was a writer. He became quite obsessive, much like my father. After he was sacked by the Daily Prophet, my father did him a favor by printing a few of his stories. The last one, however, was never released.”

“Why?” you asked. 

“Well, I don’t really know. My father didn’t speak much about it. He died shortly after that.”

“Would you happen to know a way I can find him?” 

“Well of course!” she said, getting up and drifting to an old rickety desk in the corner of the room. She pulled open a drawer and took out a thick leather bound journal. “I’ll have you know I don’t normally give out my writer’s personal information, but this is a special circumstance.”

“Of course!” you stood and took the address she wrote down gratefully. “Thank you Luna. You have no idea what this means!” 

“I think I do. Or else you wouldn’t be asking.” She said knowingly. “Will you be staying for lunch? I wouldn’t mind the company.”

“Oh that’s very kind of you Luna, but we don’t want to—“ 

“It’s settled then. I’ll put a stew on.” She smiled. You looked up at Draco, who just shrugged as she led you to a spare room to set down your things.

You were surprisingly at ease at Luna’s house. She enlisted Kelly’s help in preparing lunch, giving you and Draco a much needed break. You quickly freshened up in the washroom. Your stomach let out a loud grumble. In all of the stress and craziness of the last few weeks, you hadn’t been eating much. You hoped the stew Luna was preparing was good. You stepped out into the spare room where Draco was laying on the bed. You laid down next to him, resting your head on his shoulder and looking at his anxious face. 

“What’s wrong?”


“If you don’t realize that I know when you are lying by now, then there is no hope for you.” You said pointedly. The corner of his mouth twitched upward into a half smile.

“I’ve just been thinking… about this situation.” 

“And?” you asked, your heart rate quickening. Was he questioning your relationship? Did he not want to deal with you now that he learned all this new information?

“Do you ever think it would have been better if I didn’t come back?” he asked, looking into your eyes. 

“You mean if I had married Harry and we lived happily ever after back at home?”

“Yes, that’s what I mean.” He said. He stroked your arm with his thumb, looking down at you as if you were the most precious treasure on the planet. You realized he wasn’t the one that wanted out. He was worried that you were. 

“It might have been easier. But this would have happened either way, once Kelly’s abilities developed. The only difference would be the person standing next to me when it did.”

“But you miss him. I can see it in your eyes. And it hurts you when Kelly asks about him.” 

“Yes, it does. And I do.” You said honestly. He looked away, but you pulled his face back toward yours. “I depended on him for the longest time. And maybe that was the problem. I needed to let him go, but I didn’t. I was being selfish. It’s better this way. And Kelly will ask less frequently over time. Until the day comes that she stops asking altogether. But it will be okay, because she will have you.” Draco didn’t look convinced. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him into a kiss.

“I don’t regret anything. I love you, Draco Malfoy.” You said. Relief washed over his face. He held you close to him, his lips pressing against yours. He kissed you passionately until you became short of breath. You broke away from him, your lips raw as he hovered over you. You rubbed against him, wanting nothing more than his touch at that moment. He kissed your collarbone, his hand traveling up your shirt and massaging your breast. You let out a quiet moan and arched your back. Just as he undid the top button of your jeans, a loud banging of pots came from the kitchen. The two of you sat up in alarm. 

“LUNCH IS READY! COME AND GET IT!” You heard Kelly yell, her voice getting louder as footsteps could be heard running down the hallway toward the room. You and Draco fixed yourselves just as she came barreling through the door, banging two pots together. Draco laughed and picked her up, twirling her in the air.

“Alright, alright! We are coming!” you said. She squealed with laughter and ran back down the hall. Draco sighed and you took his hands in yours. 

“Tonight.” You whispered suggestively. He smirked, one eyebrow raised, as you led him out of the room to join the others for lunch.

A Child Changes Everything. (A Draco Malfoy Story)Where stories live. Discover now