Part 2

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Selena's POV

I walked into the big school doors and went straight to my locker to get my books for the first subject which was PE before I got my PE cloths Taylor came running towards me

Taylor: selly!!!selly!!! guess what,guess what there's a new PE  teacher and he's super hot

Selena :uhm ohk and what should I do about that-i asked kinda pissed

Taylor: well this dude here is hott!!and trust me your gonna love him..

Selena : I don't give a fuck!! and trust me I'm already tired I wanna go home I don't have time to see this "hot PE teacher" but sadly I have too

Taylor :oh come on Gomez...

with that Taylor was dragging me with her. I was wearing my clothes and trust me they are short. But

who the fuck cares well at least I don't give a damn what other peeps think.

me and tay got there and we were late. And this damn fine dude was standing at the door with a ball in his hands looking at us....dont tell me that he is the can't be.

J.Bieber: you are late

Selena:....and you got a a problem with that(rolling eyes)

J.Bieber :...well I guess I do. Because in my class I want the students to be right on do what I say...understand.

Selena : Nope I don't I understand...and sorry to pop your bubble but I dont do rules

I left him standing there,and he just looked at me with a smirk.

great job Gomez you showed him that you are Selena Gomez.

But why was he smirking he should be angry for goodness sake.

Jason maccan's POV

well this girl here got some nerve. And she is hott if you ask me.

But agh if she continues with that tone with me she is definetley gonna get it.

too bad...she don't know who the fuck I am

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