The plan was that we were going to sneak up to the bathroom where Steven Shoemaker had died, so we could look for clues.

We made my our way up to the bathroom. Dean and Sam went in first and I followed behind them. Once the door was shut we began to search everywhere for anything that could give us a hint of what we were dealing with. Sam was looking at some of the dried blood on the floor while Dean and I went through the medicine cabinets by the sink.

"The Bloody Mary Legend...Dad ever find any evidence that it was a real thing?" Sam asked with his eye brow raised.

"Not that I know of." Dean said while shaking his head.

"You know kids play Bloody Mary everywhere all over the country, but as far as we know, nobody dies from it." I said while looking at Sam and Dean.

Dean looked at me and said,"Yeah, well maybe everywhere it's just a story, but here it's actually happening."

"The place where the legend began? Sam said.

Dean shrugged and continued to look around the bathroom for clues.

"But according to legend, the person who says BL ..." Sam said, but was unable to finish what he was saying, because I covered his mouth with my hand.

"Well don't say it Sammy."I said while removing my hand from his mouth.

He nodded and said,"The person who says you know what gets it, but here..."

"Shoemaker gets it instead, yeah."Dean said while looking at Sam and I.

"Right." Sam while furrowing his brow.

"Never heard anything like that before. Still the guy did die right in front of the mirror, and the daughter's right. The way the legend goes, you know who scratches eyes out. Not to mention El's run in with Steven's ghost and a mysterious voice."

"Eww."I said while thinking about the creepy voice.

"What?"Sam asked while looking at me with concern.

"You guys don't think the creepy voice that was telling me to get out of the morgue was BL ..I mean you know who?"

"Don't know El, but that's what we're gonna find out." Dean said while looking at me.

We started to exit the bathroom. Dean went out first followed by Sam and I was last.

I was about to exit the bathroom when an icy cold chill went down my spine. Then I heard something knock loudly on the mirror. I turned around, but there was nothing there. I walked to the mirror to get a closer look. Suddenly my eyes opened wide in shock when I seen a flickering dark figure in the reflection of the mirror. It looked like it was standing right behind me. I quickly turned around, but there was nothing there. I looked back at the mirror and the dark figure started to change. I realized it was Steven Shoemaker and he looked really scared while saying, "You need to stop it before it kills anyone else."

"Steven can you tell me what it is?" I said while looking at him.

"It's..." He said as he began to flicker.

I shook my head and said, "No, not again. Say it quick."

"It's...It's here...." He said with his eyes open wide like he was scared right before he disappeared. I thought no this was just like last time in the morgue. Something doesn't want him to tell me what it is.

I looked around while saying,"I'm so close to finding out what you are and I'm not gonna let you scare me away."

Then I jumped when the door slammed open loudly all by itself. I took that as my cue to go find my brothers. As I quickly walked out of the bathroom I looked down at my hands and seen that I was trembling. I closed my hands into fists and kept thinking of the words Dean taught me to concentrate on when ever I felt scared when I was little,"Don't be scared, don't let it win. I can do this."

I took a deep breath and regained my composure as I continued to walk down the hallway.

I seen my brothers talking to Donna's friend from earlier named Charlie.

As I approached them I could hear her asking them about why they were upstairs and it sounded like she didn't believe that they worked with Donna's dad.

I heard her say,"All those weird questions downstairs, what was that? So you tell me what's going on, or I start screaming."

I knew if I didn't act fast our cover was going to be blown. I stepped in front of my brothers and looked Charlie in the eyes while saying, "All right, all right. We think something happened to Donna's dad."

"Yeah, a stroke." She said while looking at me.

I shook my head. Then Sam said,"That's not a sign of a typical stroke. We think it might be something else."

"Like what?" She asked while looking at us.

Sam shook his head and said,"Honestly? We don't know yet."

"Yeah, but we don't want it to happen to anyone else. That's the truth."I said while looking at Charlie.

"So, If you're gonna scream, go ahead."Dean said while looking at her.

"Are you two cops?"Charlie asked while looking at Sam and Dean.

"Something like that."Dean said.

Then she looked at me confused and asked," Are you a cop too? You seem really young."

"Thank you, I look young for my age." I said with a big smirk on my face.

Sam cleared his throat trying to take the attention away from me, so our cover wouldn't get blown.

"I'll tell you what, Here. If you think of anything, you or your friends notice anything strange, out of the ordinary...just give us a call." Sam said while writing down his cell phone number on a piece of paper and then handed it to her.

She nodded and put the piece of paper with Sam's phone number in her pocket.

Then we left the Shoemaker's house and piled into the car. We were headed over to the library to do some research.

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