
One week later and I felt like I was on top of the world. There had been no drama regarding the 'mead' situation and Dumbledore hadn't been seen since last week either. Although we'd heard no news regarding if anything else had happened to our mother, we could only have one hope. No news meant good news, right?

"Wake up! We've got to get to our lessons!" I shouted while jumping on Cho's bed. We'd obviously taken the smart option of doing all our homework last night and ended up staying up until half past 4 trying to finish all our essays.

"Just give me 5 more minutes..." she mumbled, snuggling further into her pillow. I sighed, realising I would have to resort to extreme measures. I yanked the blanket she was cocooned inside so that she was sent flying onto the floor.

"We've already missed breakfast. You've got 5 minutes until first lesson." I heard her get up and start stating that she could get ready in that long and be at the lesson. We both knew she couldn't, but I didn't say anything regarding that.

"Oh yeah, first lesson is potions," I called to her, running down the stairs before she could throw something at me or send a spell flying in my direction. She was pretty moody when she was woken up in a morning.

Less than five minutes later, she came hurtling down the stairs. Luckily we were the only two left in the common room or a few weird looks would be directed towards us. Her hair looked like a birds nest, her robes were hanging off one shoulder and she was still trying to push all her books into her bag.

"So you're ready? Let's go, it's gonna be hard to get there on time as it is," Cho said, climbing out the portrait hole and starting to jog towards the stairs that would lead us to the classroom.

The closer we got to the room; I couldn't help but shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. Each step I took closer, a weight seemed to be pressing down onto my ribs and I was struggling to breathe. Luckily, Cho was further ahead and we were running so I could blame it on that I suppose.

I was so deep in my thoughts trying to get rid of the bad feeling, that I didn't even realise we'd arrive at the classroom until Cho accidentally slammed the door open. The whole class turned to look at us and Slughorn appeared to be pretty annoyed at us right now.

"Sorry, we're...late," I breathed out, trying to get my breathing back to its regular pattern. Cho nodded and pointed at me, trying to convey the message that she was sorry as well. After a couple of minutes, we were both able to awkwardly make our way over to our seats at the back with everyone's eyes still focused onto us.

"Well, after that interruption. As I was saying, today we will be..." no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't listen to a single word Slughorn was saying to us. My mind kept wandering back to the crushing feeling on my ribs when I was on my way down here.

It was just because we were running. I'm clearly not very fit.

Yeah, that was it. I glanced around the room; realising Draco had actually bothered to turn up to the lesson for once. A nagging feeling at the back of my head was telling me that I needed to tell Draco about the feeling.

Weirdly enough, the voice in the back of my head was Draco's.

Everyone was packing up their cauldrons now, so that gave me a pretty good chance to explain to Draco.

"I'll take the spare ingredients back. Can you pack away my stuff on here?" I asked Cho, gesturing to the equipment on our desk. She looked over it and nodded. I thanked her and quickly walked around the classroom over to my twin.

"I need to talk to you," I whispered to him as he stood up. The other Slytherins on his table kept shooting me weird looks but I just blew them off and walked towards the cupboard in the corner of the room.

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