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  In the highest tower sat Princess Niamh she was in a rage about how the bridge was falling apart to go to the main land. She hated riding in her carriage over the storm raging river on a creaky old rusted out bridge. But her father, King Adonis, did not agree with her on the matter said the bridge had stayed strong for over a hundred years. But that gave her all the more reason for wanting the bridge rebuilt. Also for another reason why was she to be married at only the age 16, to a prince, Prince Audric, that was so self-centered and had no time for her and never would for that matter. Her father also insisted he live in the castle with them till the wedding day, which was 3 months away!! For another thing how come he got the room right above the gates and not her! How could almost everything go wrong in just 16 years? At least she had the garden, she thought, the one place that was all her own. Her favorite thing in the whole garden was the giant palm tree that was so tall it stuck out of the top of the tower that it was in. The walk way to the gardens that went over the waterfall was also one of her favorite places looking down the water fall edge was like looking into a dragons flames.    

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2015 ⏰

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