Pandora Hearts FANFICTION Riddles Episode 2, Who really killed poor Alice?

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Alice froze, staring at Vincent. "It... it was... you!" Vincent smiled and slowly clapped his hands. "Bravo Alice, but im surprised it took you this long to realise! Your much smarter than that." Alice couldn't move. Vincent.... Vincent ended my human life and cursed me to the life of a chain. Vincent stood up and walked over to Alice. "You want to know, don't you?" He knet down and lifted Alice's chin unti their eyes met. "You want to know... why i killed you!" Alice slapped Vincents arm away and made a break for the door behind him. Echo looked over to Vincent. "Would Master Vincent like Echo to chase after Miss Alice?" Vincent sat back down. "No, i think i'll talk with her when she calms down, that is all for now." Echo bowed and eft the room. "Soon, Miss Alice. You will return to question me, but will the answers unsatisfy you and change your view on the world?" Vincent stared out of the window into the sun.

Oz was running towards the door of the Nightray mansion when he spotted something fleeing out of it. It was Alice. She had her hands over her ears. "Alice!" Oz ran towards her. She looked up at him, tears streaming down her face. "Oz!" Oz grabbed Alice and hugged her. Alice was to dazed and confused to even react to this, she just broke down in tears. "Alice..." Oz held Alice, not bothering to ask her any questions, he knew that was the last thing she'd want right now. They just stood there in that position until Alice calmed down a little. "Oz... Vincent he..." Oz put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her away, until they were eye to eye. "Vincent is... my... my killer!" Oz took s step back in shock. "Vincent-sama!" At the thought of it, Alice dropped to the floor with her face burried in her hands. Vincent... was the one... who ended Alice's life! Suddenly, Oz's chest started to burn in pain. He grabbed his shirt and yelled out. The hand on his seal had moved again. Oz dropped to the floor next to Alice. She looked up at Oz. "Oz? Oz!" She put her hands on his shoulders and shook him. When she let go of him, he slumped over onto the pavement. Oz screamed out in pain. "Oz! What is it!" Alice had never acctually seen Oz when the hand on his seal moved, so she had  no idea what was going on, but she was about to find out. She realised he was holing onto his shirt. She opened his shirt to reveal the seal, glowing a bright red. "Oz! Does this mean!" Oz suddenly stopped squrming in pain and lay there, frozen. Alice looked down at him. "Hey, what are you doing?" Vincent killed Alice! The voice in Oz's head echoed. He stood up in anger, ignoring the pain. "Vincent must pay!" He ran off into the mansion. "Oz!" Alice ran after him.

The door swung open to Vincent's room once more. He sat there, with his back to Oz. "Why did you kill her! What did Alice ever do to you!" Vincent didn't turn around. "Gee Oz, this is the maddest i have ever heard you! Could it be the seal progressing, or could it be.... love?" Oz stopped, and asked himself the same question. Is this the seal? Am i really doing this unconsiously, or.... Oz gritted. "I asked you the question first!" Alice had just reached the door, but stopped when she heard the conversation. "Your avoiding the question, Oz." Vincent stood up. Oz narrowed his eyes. "If i answer your question, you must answer mine!" Vincent turned around. "I will, as soon as you tell me if you are doing this while your consious." Alice pressed her ear against the door. "Part of me right now is threating you while consious, but the other part is fully aware of what he's doing." Vincent grinned evilly. "A for my feelings towards Alice, they have allways stayed the same, from the time i contracted with her. I have been following my heart's instincts this whole time." Vincent crossed his arms. "So this means..." Oz partially smiled. "Yes, i do love Alice." Alice gasped, her heart thumping. "Oz...." Oz went back to his angery expression. "You still haven't answered my question yet." Vincent began grinning evilly once more. "I cant belive you trusted me!" Oz got in his running stance, getting ready to chase after Vincent. "I knew it...." Vincent waved his hands. "You did answer my question, so i guess its only fair. The reason for me killing Alice is because she played with someone i looked up to, Glen." Alice and Oz's expressions became insyinc, shocked. "Glen's only friend was Jack, the person you are thought to be a re incarnation of. When Glen found out about Jakc visiting Alice, he became outraged. He locked Alice away for one reason, and Jack betrayed that. The reason was to icollate her from the rest of the world." Oz was confused. "Why would he want to do something like that?" Vincent turned back around. "Because Alice.... was his younger sister." Oz took a step back in shock. "They... were... siblings!" Alice dropped to the floor. Glen... was my brother!  Vincent smiled. "Alice, you can join us if you wish." The weight from Alice falling against the door caused it to open, revealing her staring into space, overwhelmed with confusion and shock. Oz turned around. "Alice!" He ran over to her once more. "You heard all that!" Alice weakly looked over to Oz, then she became limp. "It appears as though Miss Alice has fainted with the realisation of what has happened, i suggest you take her home now." Oz looked over to Vincent, then began to pick Alice up. "There is more to this story, but i shall reveal it another time." With that, Vincent walked over to the doors and closed them.

Stay tunned for Episode 3, Glen Onii-sama!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2013 ⏰

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