My School

19 3 0

(whenever i talk to anyone who's not in real life i am using telepathy)
Forgot to tell you this but this story will  contain vulgarities

Hi there sonic! i say with excitement, ready to talk to my imaginary friends.Hi there Myticalgalaxy999!(not revealing my name ... yet)Sonic replies.Suddenly i realised that i had to go down to catch my school bus. So i had to run down and catch it. Oh well whatever makes me less lonely right?

(Time skip of titanness XD)

Time to go for track and field but.. i don't want to go, i get so tired after."i can't wait to see how fast you run Myth!""Definitely not as fast as you Sonic, after all you are the fastest thing alive"I said rolling my eyes.

When we got to the track, I decided to just get ready to do the warm ups which is crazy. You have to run 800 meters. WITHOUT WALKING OR STOPING. And some times because for utter no reason we run in the 4-6 lanes making us run more than 800 meters. Aka. Hell.

So basically, right after running we start stretching.And then after that we start training for whatever category we are in for Nationals. I am in shot putt the most easiest because you don't have to run. ( A.n. yay:3 okay so to those who don't know what shot putt is, it's taking a iron ball that can vary from 1-3 kg depending on how old you are and pushing it. Yes you heard me right pushing not throwing so if any of your friends is in this it means they are super strong you do not I repeat do not want to offend them)
(This time skip is brought to you by Cheshire)
When I got home I put down my bag and showered. Very.Refreshing. I just put on my clothes and thought what if I had a secret trapdoor that would lead to Sonic's world?" Myth you sure you can do this?" "Yeah I'm sure" I replied and imagined myself walking up to the trapdoor while I went to eat lunch.


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