❤️You guys meet❤️

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As you walk through the house looking for food, water, weapons, ect.. You fell like your being watched all the sudden you dog (D/N) *dogs name* starts to growl like crazy and is in fighting stance you expect to see a walker but when you turn around you see a man with a scruffy appearance with his gun pointed at you along with a boy with brown hair pointing his at your dog the man asks "what's your name" he says "(y/n)" say" I'm Rick and this is my son Carl... Can you get your dog to stop growling at us please" you nod and shush your dog she/he looks at you as if to say 'really bro?' But does what is told after that Rick puts his gun down along with Carl Rick says " we have a prison a couple mile up the rode if you want to come with us...but will have to ask you some questions" you nod Rick says "how many walkers have you killed" " to many to count" "how many people" " 3" "why?" My mom, brother , and dad because the were turning and asked me too" Rick nods (d/n) starts to growl as a walker comes in she/he runs up and pounces on it ripping it's through out as it falls hitting its head and crushing it thus killing the monster. Rick and Carl look in awe as (d/n) trots over to you proud and sits in front of you wanting a cookie you look at them and say "so did I get in the club" the loom at you and nod...

As you run through the forest being chased by some pervs you see somebody moving in the distance you start to run faster hoping they still have some humanity left and will help you. Just as your about to reach him one of the guys shoots you in the leg getting the attention on the man and some walkers the man starts to jog over but when we sees you the men AND the walkers it turns into a full on sprint when he gets to you the guys are fighting off the walkers the guy kill the 3 men and the rest of the walkers. He looks over to you to see you trying to stop the bleeding from you gun wound he crouches down and say with at southern accent "hey you ok" you give him a look the said 'wtf does it look like' the say "not having the best day..." You trail off not knowing his name then he says "my name Daryl I live in a prison not to far from here I can take you with me at get that all cleaned up for you we have a doctor" you nod and say as he helps you up " thanks by the way for you now Savin' my ass" he chuckled and said "well I couldn't just leave yea'" and with that said you start you journey to your new home...

As you walk through the drug store you here shuffling of feet thinking its a walker you get out your dads knife and slowly walk around only to see an Asian man about you age looking through the magazines but then you see a walker coming up behind him you rush over staving it in the head watching it drop to the flor you look back to see the man standing up looking at you with a grateful look he says " um hi" you look at him a second longer before saying "hey" "um I'm Glenn, thanks for the save by the way " " it's no problem and I'm (y/n)" he smiles you smile back he says " I live in a prison a Couple miles up the rode if you want to come with me" you smile and nod " I'd like that"  you both get what you need and start you journey to you bed home...

Yes finally done sorry if it's super long and stuff but I just wanna make it good lol.
I will be posting daily or I'll try.
For Glenn's scenario just pretend Maggie's not there

Thank you for reading I hope you liked it! Love you all ttyl❤️❤️❤️

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