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Everyone was quiet when they gathered for breakfast the next morning.

No one seemed eager to speak as they woke up over eggs, toast, and bacon. Harry tried not to burn his tongue as he sipped his tea rapidly, blinking the sleep out of his eyes.

As they finished eating, Harry took a deep breath and stood up. His worried gaze sought out each of them around the table, before he nodded determinedly. "We can do this," he said simply. "We're ready, and one way or another, this ends today."

Ginny stood up and made her way to his side, slipping her hand into his. "Let's make sure it ends in our favor," she replied.

They all chuckled weakly, before leaving the table and making their way to the entrance hall.

Harry pulled out his medallion and signaled Minerva, before he pulled out several lengths of rope. "These portkeys will take us to the entrance of the secret passage. I made them yesterday."

They all shared the rope between them, and a moment later, Harry activated the portkeys, and everyone disappeared from the comfortable castle.


Harry had told Minerva a specific time, so when they got to the cave, they had to wait a while. Harry wanted them to be in position early, so that they were ready to act as soon as the Death Eaters left the castle.

Shortly before noon, Harry signaled for them to put their ear transmitters in, as he pulled out the Marauders Map and whispered the activation phrase. He bit his lip, his bright green eyes focusing on everything around him as he shifted into battle mode.

"Is anyone there?" he asked.

A moment of silence, and then -

"Harry, old chap, how absolutely spiffing to hear from you!"

Harry was pretty sure that was Fred, but it was harder to tell the twins apart when he couldn't see them.

"Just jolly old chum!" That was the other twin, and Harry shook his head amusedly.

Another voice chimed in, and Harry greeted Cedric warmly. "Thanks for helping us out with this," he said to the older man.

He could hear Cedric's smile in his voice at his reply. "Hey, I'm happy to be here. You don't even have to ask."

"What about shopkeepers, and shoppers?" Harry asked, not wanting anyone to be caught in the middle of this.

"The DA got the word out for people to stay home," Cedric assured him. "There shouldn't be too many people doing their shopping today."

"And we contacted several reliable shopkeepers," Sirius assured his godson, making his presence known over the transmitters. "We told them to open up and then go home, so it looks like they're available for business, in case the Death Eaters get suspicious."

"Are we nearly ready?" Minerva's voice joined them, and Harry nodded, though he knew they couldn't see him.

"On your mark," he informed them. "We'll make our move when the Death Eaters leave."


Minerva glanced at Sirius and nodded. "Fred, George, give us two minutes and then start your attack. Amelia, are your people ready?"

Amelia's voice chimed in affirmatively. "Just tell us when."

Amelia had been in place with the Aurors for the last half hour, waiting for the signal.

Minerva smiled grimly. "Let's go."


Fred and George grinned at each other as they began preparing the devices they had managed to hide throughout the Alley the night before. Magi-grenades, with spells ranging from blasting hexes to stunners, were placed strategically throughout the Alley, ready to explode with an activation code; it was an improved-upon design from their previous magi-grenades, which worked by pulling a pin. These ones would only go off when the twins were ready.

Got One Hundred Steps to Go (Tonight I'll Make it Ninety Nine)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن