Dont Touch

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One day, the Silver Worrier had disappeared and Violet had to take control over the vampire kingdom. Kayla was around in her teens by now and journeyed on by herself but sometimes when she got to lonely she would run as fast as she could and sit by Violets chair and have her nurture her like she did when Kayla was only a pup.

One day some people had journeyed into a forest that just happened to be the Silver Worriers new home and no one was aloud to go in there, so when he had walked out of the bush and saw them he growl and not a moment to soon Kayla came bursting through the bushes and jumped to their rescue and gave a insulting growl back to him. He just looked at her then smiled and ran off, Kayla chased him and followed him down another home under a tree,

"why are you running away from me? And why did you growl at those harmless people?"

Kayla growled, no answer, he didn't say a word, he just should there looking at her

"so, your all grown up, I still remember that little helpless pup that Violet brought home that one day, now look at you, my little snowflake"

He had not answered her but made her happy to see him again.

"Kayla, kayla where are you"

Violet was calling her, kayla said good bye and ran off, out from the under ground tree house, and back to Violet. Kayla had told Violet all about how she found the Silver Worrier and how she found where her has lived these past 13 years.

A few day later Victor had come back with his monster, after 150 years he still had the goal of capturing the wolf spirit. Kayla had her tail between her legs and slowly walked backwards while Victor walked closer to her, he reached out his long evil claws then the Silver Worrier jumped in front of her and said,

"stay away from her!"

He growled, Victor went to punch him out of the way but when he touched him it electrocuted him with spiritual power, but he is not the wolf spirit, he is the protector of the wolf spirit.

"Snowflake,are you okay?"

He said in a very strong voice,

"yes, I am, but why are you protecting me"

Kayla asked with such suspicion "don't worry, I will always protect you since you are the wolf spirit"

Silver Worrier and the Wolf SpiritWhere stories live. Discover now