On the two stools were my two favorite artists, Adam Levine and Hayley Williams. Both had smiles on their faces, and Hayley was spinning around on her stool. Hallelujah, they were in good moods.

We hopped on stage and took our places at our microphones. “Good morning,” Hayley chirped as she stopped spinning. She had to steady herself by putting a hand on Adam’s shoulder. My eyes narrowed ever so slightly.

“‘Mornin,” Peter said. It was evident that he was trying to lighten up. His shoulders slumped.

“So guys, I’m guessing you two practiced?” Adam asked.

“Yep,” we replied at the same time.

“So, just out of curiosity, how long did you two practice?” Hayley ventured.

“Five hours,” Peter told her.

So, he was obviously putting his share of effort into this. But I had practiced more. I didn’t want to sound like I was flaunting anything when I said my time, but at the same time, I wanted both Adam and Hayley to know that I was willing to put as much time as needed into this.

“Eight hours,” I said confidently. Both Adam and Hayley raised their eyebrows. Yeah, I sang a PINK song for eight hours. Funny, cause the song isn’t even extremely difficult, other than the big notes I needed to hit. The verses were pretty easy.

“O-kay,” Adam said, emphasizing the o. “That being said, I think I have the right to expect a lot out of you two today.” His tone was light, but I knew that he was putting a load of high expectations on us now.

The pianist began the opening notes of the song, and I began singing when it was my turn. It was both a good and a bad thing that I had a good chunk of the song where I was the only one singing. Of course, if I screwed up my high notes none of that would really matter.

Peter started the second verse, the whole song going uninterrupted by neither coach so far. I figured they were just letting us get through the song once before they started giving suggestions.

When we were done, Hayley clapped. “Much better than yesterday,” she grinned.

“Definitely,” Adam agreed. “But there is one thing I want to stress on you two.”

Well, I should’ve been expecting that. On this show, there would certainly be plenty of “but’s.” I was just so afraid that I was going to take Adam’s criticism so personally and it was going to hurt me more than help.

“During that second chorus,” he began. “When you’re both singing. In the original song, their two voices sort of blend together, so it’s a bit hard to pick out one from the other. However, I want to be able to actually tell your two voices apart. Individuality is big in this competition, and I want both of your individual voices to be distinctly heard.”

Okay, that made sense. And he wasn’t bashing either our voices specifically either, so that was good.

“That being said,” Adam continued. “If you are both singing it totally different, than it won’t sound good. Between the two of you, you guys need to find that fine line where you are both different and distinctly heard, but also sounding good together. You need to compliment each other’s parts. Make sense?”

Peter and I both said yes. It actually made tons of sense. I was liking Team Adam so far, as this was the advice we needed. I prayed I wouldn’t get kicked off after such a great start.

“Other than that, there’s not much I can say. You two definitely practiced yesterday,” he concluded.

“Thanks Adam,” I told him.

I Was on The Voice: A NBC's "The Voice" Fanfiction [COMPLETE]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora