I stormed into the kitchen and got out a beer. My phone buzzed in my pocket. It was Harry telling me he was coming over. 10mins later he came through the door and greeted m parents again before asking how I was. He went and grabbed his own beer and came and sat back down as my parents left. We just spoke about what had happened. The question I was avoiding all night came.

“Why did you say that you chose the wrong girl? Do you really believe that?” He asked me


“sorry mate, just needed to hear it” He said

“I still don’t want to be with her now that she has gone and done this” I said laying all the blame on her

“Dude, she feels the same and it wasn’t all her” Harry told me”

“I know its not all her” I confessed

I waked into the kitchen and to the back door. I lit a cigarette.

“Don’t start this again Doug” Harry said taking it out of my mouth.

“Oi” I protested

“Shut it” He told me

The rest of the night was spent planning for the tour. And how I was going to avoid Alex the rest of my life. We go on tour in 3 weeks, that was the start of my new life. I was never going to be in a committed relationship. I couldn’t face this happening again.  

*3 weeks later*


We were getting ready to go on tour. I was saying good bye to Laura then heading over to Dougie’s. Laura was the only person who had seen Alex since the night at Dougie’s. Apparently she isn’t doing to good. She just keeps sitting like she is Bella in New Moon. She is depressed and Laura can tell. After all her boyfriend did tell her that he chose the wrong girl on the day he was going to propose.

“Bye Laura, Keep me informed how Alex is doing please?” I asked

“Of course I will” She replied.

I had paid Doug so that the horse was a gift of me rather than me. Apparently she changed his name to Jovi like Bon Jovi. She texted me once to say thank you but then I hadn’t heard from her since. I was worried about her as she was my friend too.

We all climbed into the tour bus when we were at Dougie’s. There were lovely soft couches and a huge fridge packed with food and beer. There was even a huge TV. This was going to be a good 6 months I thought to myself.


I went out for the first time in 3 weeks because I knew there wasn’t a chance of bumping into the boys. I went to HMV because I wanted the new Olly Murs CD. I was obsessed with his song dear darlin’. Trust me to walk in when ‘Love is easy’ was playing. The irony in that song though! Love most certainly is not easy! I quickly got the CD and paid for it then I decided to look around the rest of the metro centre. I saw the crazed fan, which came up to me.

“I’m sorry for my previous behaviour” She said. “I shouldn’t have done it, it was just so I could get noticed by the boys, I didn’t think you two would actually break up” She said sweetly

“It’s fine, it wasn’t you can you leave me alone now?” I asked and she did. She walked away and I carried on shopping. I went to new look and bought 3 new tops 2 pairs of jeans, a dress, 1 pair of shorts and a jacket and cardigan then I went upstairs and found some shoes I liked. The last thing I bought in there was a pair off PJ’s. I paid for them then went over to the American sweet shop. I bought some sweets and then headed back to my car. Before I realise what I was doing I was on the road heading towards the metro radio arena. McFly’s first stop of the tour. I saw Anthony at the door and asked him if he would take me to see the boys. When he refused I just agreed and walked back to my car. Laura had obviously told him that he shouldn’t let me near Dougie incase I kicked off. When I got back I went to Laura’s house. She told me that me and her were going out tonight at 11pm to the town. I was happy to be going out and getting over everything.

Message from MUM: You ok? Come round for tea on Sunday for your dinner, your sister is coming xx

Message to MUM: Yeah I’ll be there :) x

I looked at the clock. It was 9pm. I jumped in the bath and lay there an hour before washing then climbing back out. I put on my nice new dress and shoes. The dress was blue and the shoes were black. My hair was all nicely done up and my make up was done. Laura came round 10mins later and then the taxi was here. We got in and sat and talked for the whole journey. Every so often she kept texting someone. Probably Danny.


The concert finished and we got ready to go out on the town. We all (except Doug and Alex) had a plan to go to town and ‘bump into’ each other. We wanted Alex and Dougie back together. They both loved each other and the other week was just a little hiccup in their relationship right? I put on a clean shirt and sorted my hair out. The other guys did the same.

“TOM” I shouted

“Yeah?” He said popping his head round the door

“How do I look?” I asked

“You look lovely Daniel” I said jokingly

We left the hotel and got to one of the places we were going dead on 11pm. We were in the queue to get in when we ‘bumped into’ the others.

“Ermergerd! What are you two doing here?” I shouted

“ERMERGERD DANNY” Laura shouted.

Alex sighed and rolled her eyes. I noticed Dougie did the same thing. I finished saying hi to Laura and she went onto the others whilst I went to Alex.

“Alex, how’ve you been?” I asked hugging her, or rather trying. She kept pushing me off her. “Hey, what’s up? You’ve never rejected a Danny hug before!” I said mocking a hurt expression

“That was before you planned this!” she said moodily

“Yeah, she’s right, you shouldn’t have done that!” Dougie shouted

“Well this is something, they’re agreeing!” Harry said proudly

“SHUT UP” Alex and Dougie both yelled before we all went inside. Dougie and us boys went straight to the bar to get drunk. Alex and Laura went to dance cos they’re just so awesome like that.

“Doug, why are you being like this? You love her!” I asked

“Because I might love her but that doesn’t excuse the fact that she hurt me” He responded

“Yes, but you hurt her too” I said. “She thought she could trust you and that you’d always be nice not horrible!”

He walked away and started chatting up some girls. I sighed and went to talk to Laura about the plan. Alex was talking to Harry and Tom looking extremely guilty. She hugged them both then went to dance. Both Harry and Tom holding her hands dancing about with her like weirdo’s, good job everyone here was too drunk to care. When the 3 came back over to me and Laura we just acted like it was 3 weeks ago, nothing was wrong and we hadn’t been apart. However, there was always the events lingering around.

I turned and saw Alex looking mortified. I followed her gaze and saw Dougie kissing the crazed fan who got a guy to try and kill him. The boys and Laura noticed at the same time as I did. I got up and ran over to him with Harry and pulled him away from her. Tom stayed and comforted Alex who was now crying. Laura had gone to the toilets and came back with some toilet paper for Alex’s eyes.

“I’m so sorry for bring you here” Laura said as I sat Doug down.

“It’s fine” Alex said. “you didn’t know he would do that”

“Alex, have you realised that you love me yet?” Doug asked “Now that you’ve saw me with someone else?”

“What? Dougie, I never stopped you fool! You didn’t have to go and break my heart to find that out! You only had to ask!” Alex said

None of us interrupted. We listened to what they had to say until it got to the point that Alex slapped Dougie and ran out.


She slapped me! All I said is that she is a pathetic little girl who has barley passed her GCSE’s never mind knowing anything about love, It’s not that bad!

“OW” I yelled as her palm came into contact with my face.

I woke up the next morning with a text off Danny telling me what I said to Alex and what had happened. I realised far too late that I may have lost the love of my life.

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