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He had fancied her for years. Not since the very day he met her, he had fallen in love with her slowly. It took him years to realize how deeply in love he was with her. At first she was only a friend, almost a sister, but later he discovered his feelings for her weren't exactly the ones a brother would have for his sister.

But just as slowly he fell in love with her, he gave up on her.

Maybe he would have asked her out or something if he didn't feel he so unworthy. He believed he was some kind of monster or alien. But can you blame him?

Can you imagine being only four and suddenly discovering you suffer some weird disease that has no cure? Can you imagine spending awful nights at the hospital because you were about to die? Can you imagine being treated like an outcast since you were a child?

A person like you would see him as a brave and strong for going through all this but he saw himself as weak and worthless. The society he lived in made him believe that. Everyone who knew his condition didn't treat him as a normal guy, except for his parents.

He was really lucky he got to enter a school but his illness was kept secret. His parents made sure nobody knew, not even the principal. If someone got to know about it, he would be expelled.

There he got to meet his best friends and also the girl he fell in love with. With them, he felt for the first time like a normal boy. They were a ray of hope in his life, unluckily that ray extinguished.

As you may have concluded, his parents were a big support to him. Probably the only support he had since his friends didn't know about his problem. But people don't live forever and one day, without you noticing, they will be closing be closing their eyes forever, taking their last breath.

It was not both of them, just his mother. The one who had sacrificed her work and life for the boy was now lying cold in front of her son.

"I'm sorry about this, Remus" said a pink haired girl standing next to him.

The boy hurried to wipe the tear that was rolling down his cheek before the girl noticed that he had been crying.

"It's okay to cry, don't be ashamed. Everybody does it at some point." the girl continued trying to comfort him. "Even my dad does sometimes..."

Suddenly Remus felt a soft touch next to his hand and, just a few seconds after that, he felt someone holding his hand. It was obviously the girl because there was nobody else around but Remus was too scared to check or to look at her.

He felt himself blushing. It was the girl he had been in love with for years holding his hand!

"I know I talk to much," she continued naturally. "But I just want you to know I'll be here for you. I love you to much to handle seeing you like this. I..."

The world stopped for a second. Did she use the word love?

Remus forgot for a moment why he was there, it was only the girl and him. She didn't finish her sentence, probably because she had realized what she had just said too.

Remus could picture her apologizing, saying it had been a mistake and that she liked another guy but she didn't. All she did was stand there motionless holding Remus' hand.

"Remus, I-" she mumbled when the boy turned to her. "I think I love you"

His heart started beating so fast Remus thought it would explode. He felt something in his stomach, something nice. He bit his lip to hide his smile, he couldn't remember why he had been so sad.

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