School E.A: Larson stray

Start from the beginning

After awhile of silence I heard little taps, small feet. The taps began to get louder until they stopped, I opened one eye to see what it was and I saw it was a little black cat with big golden eyes sitting in front of me. I opened my other eye and sat up, I looked around for an owner when the cat hopped into my lap and laid down. I tilted my head and placed my hand on its back and gentle dragged it down its back, it purred quietly until lighting struck cause a loud and terrifying noise to sound, making the cat jump and run off and for it to rain more.

I sighed looking down at my hands. I hate this planet now, it's so stressful and so upsetting and sad. I just wanna curl into a little ball and hide... But i can't I have to find food for my family. I balled my hands up as a few tears slipped from my eyes. I can't give up now, I'm all ready on the planet, I can't just go home empty handed I just can't. I will not disappoint them. I will myself to get up and walk out into the street and walked down the sidewalk.

I walked for a while until I reached a large body of water. I looked out into the nothingness of the big blue puddle. I turned around only to be hit in the face with a bat. I fell to the ground and saw a man standing in front of me, things began to get blurry and I blacked out, falling into the blackness of unconsciousness.

I awoke in a strange room it was. The walls, floor and ceiling were soft and fluffy, I sat up from my laying position and looked around there wasn't much in the room just me and a weird mucus green blob in the corner it looked like it was alive. I fixed my hair over my eye and fixed my hat, I stood up and walked over to the blob and crouch down and poked it. It stirred and rolled over looking at me. It screamed causing me to scream.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" We screamed. I stopped and yelled. "SHUT UP!" It stopped and stood up for some reason there was a screen on it stomach so I poked it again.

"Stop poking man!" It yelled at me. I slapped it and it held its face and turned to slap me as well.

"Okay. We even?" I asked.

"Even, Steven." It said.

"My names not Steven. It's Larson." I said blankly.

"It's a saying, and my names Jason." It stated. I nodded.I looked over it, it was a weird mucus green color and had an odd shaped face with a little curl on its head. It was fairly short, it had one sharp tooth sticking out of its mouth, and its eyes had little six's in them. It also seemed to have acne.

"Sooooo? What are you?" I asked poking it again

"Would you please stop that?!" it barked. "I'm a defect teletubby. The government found me, my brothers and sisters, then made my brothers, sisters and our slave robot work on children's television show, but they didn't like how I looked so they didn't kept me and used me for studies and.... Stuff."

"What kind of stuff?" I asked.

"Probing stuff." It said.

"OH!" I said loudly. It was silent for a while after that, about 5 minutes went by and still not a sound. It was really awkward, well it was until a stick dropped from the ceiling. I went and picked it up. What did they expect us to do with this? I twirled it around in my hand and little stream of white light appeared. I threw the stick across the room and screamed like a little girl. The teletubby looked at me and smacked me in the back of my head.

"Woose" He said annoyed. I rubbed the back of my head and fixed my hat. He walked over to the stick which still had that weird light on it and picked it up poking it a few times. I hide behind the teletubby and watch as the light thing started to shake by itself. A little bubble started to form at the top and a cute little face appeared on it. Its face was just two little black dots with little eyelash like lines coming off them, and a "V" shaped mouth. It grew little chubby arms and waved at us.

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