Chapter 30: Remembering Her

Start from the beginning

But even though it was heavy, it was my only hope of finding Belle.

So I yanked my phone out of my pocket, wasting no time, and checked my direction. Hopefully, I was going in the right direction to that apartment, but there was no easy way of knowing that now. I had a phone, yes, but it wasn't helpful at all.

Our technology nowadays really is outstanding. The things smart phones can do, everything. I mean, just imagine if a world war three happened. Over half of the whole population of the Earth would get wiped out instantly, that's how dangerous and advanced our technology is. So advanced, it could potentially be the reason for the end of the Earth.

Yet I am still not able to track down directions to one little apartment, that's how annoying life can be. Deep, I know, but I am in a difficult situation and I'm into deep statements and quotes right now, I am trying to find the girl I lost, anyone would think depressingly right now.

My phone kept on telling me to turn right, as soon as I could, just turn right, which was slightly strange because apart from a bunch of bushes, there was absolutely nothing of use to the right of me.

No way out, no footpath, no bridge leading off of the path that I was on now, just bushes. What is this phone even doing? It's definitely not helping me find the footpath, that was for certain.

Sighing heavily once again, I placed the phone back into my pocket, instantly feeling the heavy weight of it back on my shoulders, dragging me down slightly again.

There's no was that phone would have helped me find the apartment. It was playing up at the worst possible time, and I didn't have the patience to fix it. If I'm going to find this apartment, I'm going to have to find it myself, the old fashioned way, using signs around me.

The only problem is, there were no signs around me, so I really don't know what to do.

**Eric's POV**

I picked up the phone, nonchalantly, and started shaking it in Harry's sorrowful face. This was Zayn's clone phone, and I could easily use it to see where he was. Well, that's what I made it for, to keep Zayn off of my case. And I can't have him bumping into Belle, or I would have to start right from the beginning, all over again.

So now, the phone will come in handy, once again.

"Wouldn't it be a better idea to just go out and find Belle?" Harry said, his voice wavering deeply as his eyes were red with guilt and worry.

Harry really did look like he'd seen a ghost or something, his face was pale and his eyes were red, a beanie slipped onto the back of his head to hide the majority of his hair. He really did care about Belle, and she thought he did this to her, funny that.

See, I'm going to get Harry back onto my side again. If I can get Harry to help me find Belle, then I  have one more person helping me find her, and this will be quicker, easier, and less risky for me.

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