Chapter 23 : Guess Whose Tutor Am I?

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He didn't say anything else afterwards and I was relieved because of this.

The session went on fairly well. Luke didn't try asking me any other personal questions only tried his best to answer my questions related to the work at hand.


Journal Entry #77: August 27th, 2015.

What is more deadly?

A gun or a thought?

Most people thinking logically would go for the gun right?

It's a lethal weapon that is the cause of countless deaths across the globe each day. It may be this but it is without a doubt less harmful than a thought in my perspective.

Shocking I know right?

Why do I say this?

A gun puts forth an opportunity. Whether to pull the trigger aimed at your temple or to chicken out and put it down.

A thought pulls the trigger before you can do anything about it. You have no chance to react because it will already be too late.

I sometimes wish-

"Carrie I need to ask you something!" A voice that recognized as Sirina's cut through my thoughts and made my hand holding the pen pause and stop writing.

I close my journal quickly then threw it into my small drawer beside me, closing it shut.

As soon as I did this Sirina's figure entered my room.

"A few of us are heading out. You know the ice cream shop on fifth Avenue? Yeah that one and I was wondering if you'd like to come?" She asked giddily.

She seemed as if she was in a better mood than a few days ago. I knew she was only a little depressed because Natasha was still not speaking to her but now she looked okay and the thought made me relieved in a way.

I thought over her words then shook my head no. "Sirina you of all people know that I can't go, your mom will kill me if I do." She shook her head.

"No she won't," I looked at her as if she had lost her mind. "Really, I told her you and I were going out so you won't be home." My lips parted.

" did not,"I gasped in disbelief finally rising off my bed standing in front of her grinning face.

She nodded enthusiastically, the smile not leaving her lips. "Yeah, I kinda did."

I didn't know how to react to this news? Should I be happy...or the opposite? One thing for sure I knew I was and that was confused.

"Aw, c'mon you shouldn't be looking like that! I did you a favor. Now go ahead, show me those teeth."

"That sounds weird," I commented making a flat expression overtake her face.

"Okay, okay!" I tried to smile but I came out all wobbly and weird.

"I think I've seen enough." She deadpanned and I couldn't refrain from chuckling.

She smiled now. "See, now that's the way to go!"

"We have to meet them in twenty, so get dressed." Sirina said slipping out my room before anything could escape my mouth.

I sighed staring at the floor.


The ride to the ice cream shop was amusing. Sirina sang all the way to it and I couldn't deny how much of an entertainment that was. Especially when a random guy told her to and I quote, "shut the hell up" and her response was flipping him the bird.

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