That's One Big Snake

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“Do not fear, Harry. I wouldn’t let your father down by dying at the fangs of a snake,” She reassured the boy as they came to a circular door with snakes etched across it. Ariella frowned as she kicked the door.

“I’m beginning to really hate Slytherin, right now,” She muttered lowly as she turned to Harry. Suddenly Harry hissed and the door opened. Ariella stared at him before smirking.

“Parseltongue, eh?” She commented as Harry shrugged and nodded. The two looked past the door and found a large chamber. The walkway into the chamber was lined with massive statues of snake heads and water. Ariella scrunched her nose at the smells that permeated the air around her. It smelled like snake and death.

“Ginny!” Harry exclaimed as he saw the young Weasley girl collapsed on the cold floor in front of a giant Salazar Slytherin statue. Ariella reached out to stop him, but failed to grab him. His wand clattered to the ground as he bent next to Ginny Weasley’s immobile form.

“She’s not breathing!” He announced as Ariella squatted close to him.

“She’s not dead, yet. Something is draining her life-force,” She informed the twelve year old before her eyes widened and she turned to face another boy. This one looked to be sixteen and his eyes looked familiar to Ariella.  The boy picked up Harry’s discarded wand.

“Tom!” Harry exclaimed as he climbed to his feet.

“Tom, you have to help us! There’s a basilisk down here!” Ariella’s eyes widened as she grabbed the back of Harry’s robes.

“It won’t come unless it’s called,” Tom responded darkly. Ariella climbed to her feet and pushed Harry behind her.

“Tom Riddle?” She asked uncertainly as the boy smirked at her.

“Indeed. And I know who you are, Ariella Cross.” Tom replied as he lifted Harry’s wand in her direction.

“You won’t stop me, Gryffindor.” He hissed as he disarmed Ariella. She frowned as she eyed her fallen wand close to the mouth of Salazar Slytherin. She froze when she heard a loud slither.

“Why won’t you help us, Tom?” Harry asked, confused. Ariella glared at him.

“He won’t help us, Harry. He’s the reason we’re here. He’s the reason why Ginny is dying.” Ariella remarked as Tom nodded.

“Yes, she’s correct. I control the Basilisk. It comes when I call it!” He exclaimed as he suddenly hissed and a massive snake burst into the chamber.

“How is that you, a baby, destroyed the greatest dark wizard of all time?” Tom asked as the Basilisk circled them. Its large tongue flitted out and grazed Ariella’s cheek.  Neither Harry nor Ariella looked it in the eyes.

“Why do you care? Voldemort was after your time!” Harry growled as Ariella tensed. Putrid breath filled the air around her.

“Voldemort is my past, my present, and my future.” Harry watched as Tom used his wand to write out his entire name and then rearrange the letters to spell out the words Lord Voldemort. 

“Kill them,” Tom ordered as Ariella leapt out of the way of the Basilisk’s strike. She ran toward her fallen wand and turned just as the Basilisk turned to go after Harry.

“Harry!” She screamed as she pointed the wand at Tom.

“You know, I’m seriously starting to just hate all Slytherins!” She growled.

“Expelliarmus!” She exclaimed as Harry’s wand was flung from Tom’s grip.

“Ah!” Harry exclaimed in pain as Ariella watched him fall. She ran toward him, unaware of the giant snake that was now following her.

“Harry, are you alright?” She asked as she dropped down beside the injured boy. He nodded before his eyes widened.

“Professor, look out!” Ariella turned just in time to dodge the Basilisk’s tail. She couldn’t dodge it again and slammed into a nearby stone pillar. Ariella’s world went black just as Fawkes’ squawk filled the air.


“Where is she?” Severus growled as he and McGonagall searched the castle for his wayward companion. He heard a loud clattering and several moans as he passed by the girls’ bathroom on the first floor.  He burst through the door and his eyes widened as he saw Harry Potter and Ron Weasley climb to their feet. Ginny Weasley groaned as she held her head and Gilderoy Lockhart giggled maddeningly. They all looked injured. His eyes caught the glint of blonde hair behind Harry and Ron and his eyes widened. Ariella Cross was sprawled across the floor with blood dribbling down from a massive gash across her dirty face. His heart stopped.

“Professor Snape!” Harry exclaimed before Severus pushed him away from the injured woman.

“Cross,” he whispered as he easily lifted the woman’s head up off of the wet floor.

“Severus! Gilderoy!” Minerva’s eyes widened as she came into the bathroom. She caught sight of the three children and then the injured form of her favorite alumni.

“Ariella,” She gasped before the other professors appeared. The next few minutes were a blur to Severus. Harry and the others were led to the Hospital Wing by Minerva. Filius and Pomona Sprout led the dazed and confused Lockhart away. And he, Severus Snape, carried the motionless body of Ariella Cross.  

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