Chapter one- Follow me hottie

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Isabella's POV

I hate everyone at school. And at home. Can I like runaway or something.

"Hey Isabella! " Kelly said smiling

Bxtch shut up.

Kelly is one of the most popular girls at school. She thinks we're friends but she's so fake. And she's a bitch so no.

I mean it-she's so fake. Everything about her is, her hair, face, body, personality and even skin color.


It was third period and I felt like I was dying already. But I didn't wanna go home either.

3rd Period: Spanish class.

"¡Hola! Como te llamas? Me llamo Senora Czopyk" The teacher said

Um what. What language is she even speaking.

"..¿Como te llamas?" She asked again forcing a smile

"Uh Bien" I said slowly while heading to the back seat.

I dropped my binder on the desk and pulled out my phone.

"Okay Clase. Buenos Dias" the teacher looked at everyone while greating us.

"Buenos Dias" everyone repeated, except me.

I is special

"Bien, Buenos Dias!" She smirked looking at me.

What? Erm are we not allowed to use our phones here.

"Yes?" I asked politely.

"Si" she corrected me. "Isn't your name 'Bien'?" She asked smirking. Can she stop doing that?

"No.. " why would my name be good. Teachers these days.

"I asked you when you came in what your name is and you said your name is 'bien'" she stared at me.

"You asked how are you though!" I said quickly.

"No honey. I asked what's your name" she smiled.

I can tell she's a bitch already.

"Whatever. That isn't my name"

"You should know that Como te llamas means what's your name" she nodded her head.

"Well jeez, if I knew what 'Como something' means I wouldn't be taking Spanish class" I snapped

"You like getting in troubles on the first day don't you, Isabella ?" She asked

"Of course I do. What a perf- wait a already know my name." Is she serious now.

"Si." She looked around "I know everyone's name here"

"Then why would you embar- Okay you know what. Forget it" I rolled my eyes.

"Who knows what today's fecha is?" She looked at me with her light brown eyes. Her mascara was eh not that good. It's like she has three pieces of eyelashes and they're glued together.

Today's fecha? Hm today's date?

"I do I do!" Rachel said

Chill Rachel, you're not getting married.

She looked back at me and giggled.
Did I say that out loud? Oh God.

"Si Rachel" the teacher looked at her. What is up with that teacher. She's staring too hard.

"10 de enero de 2009" she snorted

Today is the tenth. Oh no I though it was the 5th I have two days to get something.

Fame (Zayn Malik )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora