Where do we go?

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I woke up on the flour again, I thought as I ripped my bed sheets of my face. I sat up to look around only to realize I was not in my room. Bright white was all around me. Then I woke up again to what I think is the real world.

I walked down stairs with a lot on my mind. " How was your sleep Jole?" Gray asked as I walked in. "Nah, I tossed and turned to much again and woke up on the floor." I replied.
I didn't tell him about the dream though. "Well have some breakfast and mabye you'll fell better." Prci said while pointing to the kitchen. I walked in and saw mother at the stove. She was making omelettes. " here Jole you can have this one!" As mother handed me a plate with a omelet on it. "Thanks." I replied as I walked back into the dining room.

Then there was a strange knock on the door interrupted

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