Now it’s time for the grand show. See, there is nothing Sam hates more in the world than waking up early, so it was my job, like his mom told me, to make sure he did so. I walked over to the window located near his bed and opened the curtains so a fresh stream of sunlight lit his portion of the room.

“Natalie!” He mumbled, turning around and around trying to get comfortable, he ended up draping a pillow over his eyes as I walked over and started shaking him, “Get up, get up, get up!” but he wouldn’t move.

I grabbed a water-bottle off of his night stand and smacked him with it, in response he played dead. I groaned and sat on him, shaking him, “Sam! Sam! Sam!” I shouted, I could hear Carl groan some profanities in his bed but I continued. Instead of waking, Sam flipped over to his side just so I fell onto the floor; purposely I smacked my hand against his bed.

“Sammie!” I cried, faking the pain as bed as I could, “It hurts!”

“Nattie, you fake as well as you lie,” He said, but his words were muffled due to the pillow over his face.

“Fine,” I acknowledged, grumpily, getting up from the floor and walking over to his closet. There was some kind of car magazine on the ground, I picked it up and rolled it then found a huge, untouched, Smithsonian magazine that I could use to hit him instead.  Walking over, I bent to pick it up but what sparked my interests in the corner was something glistening in the light. My hands grabbed the grip and I pulled it out from the shadows revealing something that made me grin ear to ear.

A metal baseball bat.

Swinging the bat over my shoulder, I walked over towards Sam’s bed and raised it high above my head, then I shift my stance a little and pretended as if I were hitting a ball, but that didn’t work so I resulted in going back to raising it above my head again. I wasn’t planning on hitting him with it, just literally scaring him out of his bed.

So, as I was about to make my slow descend down to poke him with it, he cracked one eye open and saw what I was holding, immediately before jumping out of his bed, “Shit! You’re crazy! You win! I’m up!” He said barely, before I dropped the baseball bat at my feet, it was already eight fifteen. Gee, time flies fast when you are doing the impossible.

“Breakfast in fifteen minutes,” I command pointing at the door, “And wake up Carl while you’re at it.”

“Yes-sir-e,” Sam laughed, putting his hand over his forehead as if he was doing a military solute, I responded by rolling my eyes and walking towards the door.

“Eight-thirty,” I said, sternly, “Don’t be late.”


“So, I’m going on a date tonight,” Sam started, his swallowed some of his cranberry bagel which I simply think it’s pure disgusting. I mean, who would stuff fruit into bagels which you put like creamed cheese on? It’s like taking an apple and smothering it in milk, yet somehow Sam loves the stuff.

“Wow, a date,” I say sarcastically, he keeps girls like I keep hair ties, I lose hair ties every couple of days or hours and usually steal from Jasmine, in his case, he also steals girls, “This is big.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2011 ⏰

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