Chapter 1

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As the door opened I saw something that he hadn't seen in 10 years... color. A woman walked in, not his mom, wearing an orange lab coat and blue pants. My eyes almost couldn't comprehend the woman as I hadn't seen another person or color besides white. I had forgotten how people looked as there wasn't a mirror in the cell.

After watching me for a second she spoke up, "You're a resilient one Nate."

I tried to reply with a voice unused in 10 years," I, I ..." I couldn't speak.

She looked at mequestionably, "I'm not sure what you are saying."

I coughed a few times and spoke, "Why am I here? And where is my mom?"


I walked along the barren hallways shivering in my clothes that were far to small for me. The seemingly endless labyrinth had no door, except for the one I came from, and was lit by faint flickering blue lights coming from the floor. All my thoughts were was how much I wanted to know where my mother was. I hardly remembers her besides the day I was torn from her arms and thrown into the white hell that kept me and tortured me almost my whole remembering life. My anger was barely contained in my fragile body. The woman was quiet on the way to wherever they were going making slight gestures at each split in the hallway. I noticed a gun slinged on her side, was there something that could be dangerous? What was on the other side of all these walls that she would need a gun for?

The mysterious woman spoke up, "I know you have many questions but you have to wait, you have no idea of what is happening."
I didn't want to answer, his voice was already tired of its limited use. I looked onwards and saw an intersection with three choices. The woman took the right hallway and immediately took out her identification card and showed it over a scanner and the down slid open. In the room was showers with steam already rising from them. A wardrobe filled clothes of every color.

"Get changed!" She said.

I went in the shower surprised by the hot water on my skin but relieved by the cleaning of my body after 10 years. In the shower was some scissors on the soap rack and I got to cut my hair shorter. It was in my eyes before but after it was much shorter, above the collar bone on the back and above my eyebrows in the from. I could actually see everything. I was in the shower for a good fifteen minutes when I heard shots outside . . . rapid fire. One bullet zoomed right next to my neck and planted itself in the shower wall. I ducked and laid on the ground. When the shots' noise became more distant, I ventured a peek outside of the curtain. There on the floor covered in blood was the women that took me out of the white prison. Her breath was sputtering . . . she was dying. I disregarded clothes for the moment and ran over to her.
" Nnn-Nate . . . here."
She reached up and gave me her ID card with a thumb drive.

"There are more like you; these have the keys to your past," With that, her sputtered breaths stopped and she was dead. I saw the I saw earlier pistol laying next to the woman, she must of tried to use it to defend herself. I picked it up and put some clothes on.

I ran down the hallway in camouflage combat boots, brown trousers, and a clean white t-shirt. I had a backpack on my back holding the seemingly valuable thumb drive and a water bottle he found in the shower room. I wondered how I knew so much for being put in the prison at six years old. I knew so much more that I did before without seeing or hearing anything. 'It must have been the food,' he thought. There was so much I wanted to know but didn't know. He knew basic things but he did not know himself. That is the thought that nagged at him, 'Who am I?'

As I ran down the hallway I tried to find places I was at before but the hallways were like a labyrinth. The hallways went on and on with each division in the hallway going on endlessly. Hope of finding a way out was almost lost when suddenly after a turn in the hallway, I stumbled upon a door, slightly jarred open.

I looked for a light switch and when I found one, the room was flooded with light displaying everything in the room. In the room were many crates, already opened, full of food and water. I quickly went to the crates and stuffed his backpack with some food and multiple bottles of water, not knowing what there was on the other side. I knew there was no place for me in this white and boring hell. I reached to grab one more bottle of water from one of the crates. The thought of the unknown troubled me but I knew it was better than a bullet in my heart.

I was busy thinking of what was next that I heard a whisper coming from behind a crate, "Pssst, Hey!"

I quickly jerked my head in the direction of the sound and saw a pair of blue eyes staring intently at him peeking out from the side of the crate. They locked eyes for second and when the gazes broke, the girl stepped out wearing a similar outfit to me; combat boots, trousers, white t-shirt and an olive green jacket. She looked similar in age to me but my dirty blond hair was opposite to her d

"Are you one them? With the guns?" She looked at him intently.

"No but they killed the person that got me out of my prison and I am leaving."

"Same for me," she quietly responded back. "I was changing and heard these gunshots, I was afraid and I hid. I did not know what I should do, can I come with you?"

She pulled out a backpack full more food, water and a sleeping mat, it looked similar to the one in his white room out with a pocket to sleep inside instead of sleeping on it.

"You ready?" She asked me.

"Yea but the women who took me out of my white room said there were others. We need to find them. Oh and I was meaning to ask you what is your name?"

"Delilah, yours?"

"I'm Nate, let's get out of here."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2016 ⏰

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