Chapter 4 "Fighting Against Time/Who could it Be"

Start from the beginning

"Mike!" His girlfriend yelled, pulling me out of my thoughts. Tears rolled down her face as she begged and tried to pull his hand from his friend's throat, "You're chocking him!! Mike, please let him go!!"

"He shouldn't be-" I could see him struggling to get a hold of himself from tearing apart his friend's throat "pushing our mate!"

"What the hell is he talking about?" I whispered to myself. He didn't even touch their girlfriends, he pushed me into them. Kim must be working with something to have him rushing over here to protect her, I thought.

"Mike, I'm fine! Now please, let him go!" she yelled.

Several teachers came out of no where to pull them apart and in a matter of seconds, they had them away from each other. Out of the eight teachers, six were holding back a Cameron triplet and one of their friends. The other two teachers were asking me and the brother's girlfriends what happened.

"Mike's friends were messing with him," Kim replied, wiping the tears from her eyes. She looked over to me "they pushed him and made him bump into us and that caused Mike and his brothers to fight their own friends."

"Kim, a bump wouldn't make them want to kill their friends," the teacher stated and she was right.

"Mike said that Kim was their mate," added Stella, Tidus' girlfriend. I could tell by her eyes that she was a little jealous that Kim was their mate or at least two out of the three brothers, "I guess that what set them off."

"That could've done it, seeing their mate is harmed," added the other teacher.

"Umm excuse me," I snapped, trying to get their attention as they watch the other teachers take the triplets and theirs friends to the main office "since this about Kim being their mate, can I go?"

"Sure," the teacher smiled, taking out his pad and writing me a pass for class "sorry for the hold up."

"No problem and thank you," I took my pass and headed up stairs to my class without looking back.

I handed my teacher the pass and went to sit next to Carter and Olivia. We were doing group work which was good; I wanted to tell them what happened. From the looks on their faces I knew they wanted to know.

"What happened?"

I told them whole story, missing no details. They were going to hear about it anyway. Leaning in so only they could hear, I whispered "Kim is Mike's mate and maybe to one of the other two brothers as well."

"Really? Why did it have to be that bitch," Olivia slammed her fist on the table "What did the other two say about it?"

"Stella kind of looked mad over it."

"Are you sure it was Kim and not one of the other girls?" Carter asked. My jaw dropped. I was there!! How couldn't I be sure? "I mean it could be one of the other girls." He concluded.

"Mike even said that his friend shouldn't be near their mate."

"But wasn't he messing with you at first?"

"Yea but when he pushed me into them, then they came." I finished. I was still having trouble with how fast they were, "they're really fast."

"That bitch," Olivia slammed her fist down again "why did it have to be her!!"

"Yea it could've at least been Ashley or Stella," said Carter.

Out of the three girls, Kim was the most disliked. She's bitchy and goes overboard with being the girlfriend of a Cameron brother. Now if she is truly a mate to one of the Cameron brothers, it will be known throughout the school in a matter of hours. Personally I think she's a little bit of a gold digger. She's very materialistic. I guess her mother started her out young.

"Well if she is a mate to one of them," I said leaning back in, trying to keep a straight face, "they will be filing for bankruptcy in the next two months."

Carter and Olivia burst out laughing. I couldn't help but join in. That's when the door slam, making the whole class jump. It was Kim and boy did she look mad. Seconds later the door opened and closed again, revealing Stella and Ashley.

"Kim, what happened?" Stella asked as she at down next to her, doing her best to comfort Kim "You can tell me anything, I'm your friend."

"Not if your Mike's mate," Kim snapped as she raised her head to look at Stella, eyes full of rage and disappointment "they did a test on us and I'm not a mate to any of them."

"What, but I heard Mike say..."

"The 'pushing our mate part'," Kim dug in to her purse with watery eyes and pulled out tissues to wipe her tears before they could mess up her makeup "he didn't directly say my name. I just thought it was me since he's my boyfriend."

"What happens now?" Ashley asked.

"Ashley, you have a meeting with the principle and the triplets tomorrow," Kim stated before blowing her nose. She took out her mirror and started to fix her makeup "then Stella."

"But why?"

"Because neither Mike nor the other two are going to tell us who their mate is."

"What one of us is all three of their mate?" Ashley could barely speak. I was beginning to wonder if she was getting gold diggerish

"Yea but I'm hoping it was just a misunderstanding," said Kim as she put her things back in her bag "Mike and I have been together for two years."

The three of them went on with their conversation, not caring who could be listening.

"You see?" I whispered to my friends, keeping an eye on Kim "what's the point of getting too involved with anyone just to have this happen."

"What about you and Levi?"

"Well Levi and me are close," I turned to look at them both. I did think about this for a long time, though. "But not close enough to cause heartache if we were to break up."


There was a moment of silence before any of us spoke. This is one downfall of being a werewolf; falling in love with someone just to be pulled apart because of your true mate. Some say it doesn't hurt once you find your true mate. It's like everything before that moment doesn't matter.

"Well there's no point of crying over something that might not happen," I told them before getting started on our assignment. I looked up from my paper to see them still staring at me

"Well, come on you two!"


Hey now that the end of chapter four, I hope you like this chapter. I will be posting the next chapter "Don't Say That" next week. But for letting you all wait for so long I'm posting a exclusive sneak peak of Chapter 5 on my Facebook page: LIbra4Life2012

Go check it out!!!!!!!!!!

Also I want to give special thanks to Angelisa318 for editing this chapter and the next one for me. Much LuV!!!!

Thanks for reading!!!!!

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