Blind Date [Scary Dates Challenge]

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     "Are you sure this dress looks okay?" Jillian asked her best friend, Kate, who was sitting on her bed examining Jillian's outfit. Kate scrunched her eyes up for a second before giving Jillian a nod of her head in approval.

    "I think it looks great Jill," Kate told her, as Jillian tugged at the hem of the burgundy mini dress that had a tint of sparkles when it caught the lightning at just the right moment.

    Jillian had always had a bad experience in the dating world. She could never keep a boyfriend for more than a couple months, and no man ever wanted to have more than a one-night fling with her. Making a dating profile on a new, up and coming website was a last resort that was suggested by Kate. According to her date's profile, he was an introverted man who was seeking a lifetime partner that he could share his love with.

    Jillian checked the time on her phone and became giddy at the thought of meeting a potential match in around twenty minutes. She scooped up all her necessities and tossed them into her small purse that she was bringing along for the night. Kate and Jillian said their goodbyes as Jillian started to head to a restaurant that was just a couple of blocks from Kate's house and near the downtown area. 

    "Have a great time!" Kate called down to Jillian from the top of the stairs before she exited the house, "Let me know how it goes."

    Jillian waved at her and opened the front door. "I definitely will.  Who knows, maybe he'll be a keeper." Jillian chuckled to herself as she walked towards her car. Starting up the engine, she flicked on the radio and proceeded to the restaurant that she was meeting Felix at. It was only a ten minute drive, but Jillian figured arriving earlier was better than later.

    It was quarter to seven o'clock at night when Jillian pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant she agreed to meet Felix at. Passing the time, she pulled out her phone and searched up Felix's dating profile. She scrolled through her list of messages, but couldn't find their conversation from the night before.

    I must've deleted it, She thought as she typed in Felix's name in the search bar to bring up his profile instead. A message popped up on her phone screen, confusing Jillian.


    A knock at her car window startled Jillian, causing her to drop her phone onto the floor mat of her car. She looked to her left to see a man in a dark colored jacket hovering over her car window. She rolled down the window just a crack and asked him what the man wanted.

    "Excuse me ma'am," He pointed to a sign that was nailed to a post in front of the parking space, "This is reserved for Employees only." Jillian looked closer at the man's jacket and could make out yellow stitching that read SECURITY.

    Putting the car into reverse, she apologized and backed up and went up the aisles until she could find a parking space that wasn't in the middle of no where. Once she found one, it was about time that she head into the restaurant and wait for Felix to show up. With the whole security fiasco, she totally forgot about Felix's profile being deleted.

    "Can I help you ma'am?" The hostess asked as soon as Jillian walked into the front doors of Bon Appetite.

    "Has anyone by the name of Felix checked in for a reservation?" She asked timidly, her fingers started to tremble at the thought of meeting a potential partner.

    The hostess checked her book of reservations, her finger moving down the page to check for the name that Jillian had just given her. "Ah yes! Here we go, Felix S. had checked in about," She squinted at the book, "Oh wow, only about three minutes ago." She grabbed a menu, "Is he expecting you?"

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