secrets 11-20

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 SECRETS 11-20 :

11 . Guys can be sensitive and deep – not all of us are pigs.

12 .  We get embarrassed by too much attention.

13 . Girls are much braver than boys.

14 .  We find it cute when you’re a messy eater.

15 . We like it when you can make funny faces for the

     camera without worrying about looking silly.

16 .  At the end of the day, all we really want is your approval.

17 .  We get threatened when you’re more makulit (or playful in a good way)

      with other guys than with us.


18 .  When we get upset, we find comfort in chocolate and ice cream, too!

19 .  We love getting early morning phone calls from you,

       even if you disrupt our peaceful slumber.

20 .  We have trouble apologizing, but most of the time,

     we know that we’re wrong and you’re  absolutely right.


100 GUY SECRETS EVERY GIRL MUST KNOW  ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon